Brisa Rocheé -Takes
Label: Discograph
2007/11/5 法國發行
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1. breath in speak out
2. heavy dreaming

3. the drum
4. trampoline
5. hand on steel
6. whistle
7. the building
8. without a plan
9. high
10. egyptian
11. halfway on
12. the choice
13. call me
14. pitch black spotlight
15. the mummy
16. (bonus)

paris (2007-11-15)

Flower child Brisa Roché’s new album, ‘Takes’ has already taken France, Belgium, Portugal and Switzerland by storm and now the rest of Europe can catch her mellow beats as well.

Brisa Roché’s latest album, ‘Takes,’ (Discograph) is already available in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Portugal. In early 2008 the album will drop in the rest of Europe and releases will follow shortly after for Japan, the USA and the UK.
This child of hippies from California shows her roots on her latest work. From the first strains of ‘Breathe In Speak Out’ through the last breath on ‘Ali Baba’ her retro-sweet voice will lull you away to another time.

Raised by hippie parents, she found solace in her first guitar. A journey to France lead her to discover a whole new culture as well as her own voice and she was soon on the road to a successful music career. Her first album, ‘The Chase’ (Blue Note/EMI Music France) earned her acclaim as a sensual and furious new voice and this new work is sure to bring the same praise.

The album features a mix by Henry Hirsch and the participation of Yeah Yeah Yeah’s guitarist, Nick Zinner. The 15 tracks on ‘Takes’ will have you taking off your hat for the sophomore album by this dark-haired diva!

布莉莎.羅雪 / 迷炫(彗智數位影音有限公司)
來自于美國加州、成名於法國巴黎的新生代民謠搖滾音樂精靈,布莉莎.羅雪(Brisa Roché)高挑美麗充滿明星特質,無論在螢光幕前還是舞臺上總是吸引眾人的目光,卻是特立獨行頗有個性自我主張的音樂創作人!就如同她的歌曲充滿硬地精神、以搖滾融合民謠的獨立創作,融合六十年代兩種完全不同風格的團體,加州陽光民謠Mamas and the Papas'與紐約地下搖滾Velvet Underground,加入當代音樂元素、創造出獨幟一格的自我音樂潮流!    

2006年在Blue Note發行首張專輯“Chase“一鳴驚人,本張專輯是布莉莎•羅雪的第二張個人專輯,完全由她自己主導創作取向、更貼近她本人所想要呈現的音樂風格!整張專輯所有的歌曲都是由布莉莎•羅雪所創作,請來她的好友、同時也是搖滾巨星Lenny Kravitz的音樂製作人Henry Hirsch負責制作與混音的工作,另外美國新進garage punk樂團Yeah Yeah Yeahs'的吉他手Nick Zinner也特別助陣吉他演奏,多位元美法新進音樂人共同為這張專輯演出,除了所有歌曲的創作與演唱,布莉莎•羅雪並在專輯中演奏吉他、口琴與電風琴,此外專輯中所有的自畫像也都是布莉莎•羅雪的傑作!合諧陽光卻帶有迷幻地下風格的融合體,這就是布莉莎•羅雪音樂讓人深深著迷的魅力!

Brisa Rocheé Takes new album

Brisa Roché - Egyptian

Brisa Roché - call me

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