,是not safe for work(也有人說是not suitable for work)的意思。這個縮寫最常出現在blog圈裡。如果給出的某個連結含有露點或極度暴力的內容,通常都會有nsfw的警告。♣
FR theblemish.com
02/06/08 Part 1
A lot more pictures have been released. Around 60 new ones. That’s too many to post, but thanks to “Larry” all of them can be المنزله هنا.該站有木馬!
02/06/08 Part 2
The mysterious man Kira promises videos and more pictures.
02/06/08 Part 3
BAM! Someone make a video out of these. A few more links. Make sure you scan for viruses. هنا, هنا, هنا and هنا.
분류되지 않은 압축 파일에 대한 최신 에디슨 사진이 부각합니다. 무엇 섹시맨 유출도이? 에 그것은 "맛보기"휴대폰 동영상 기라 발송합니다. 여기서합니다.
An uncategorized zip file of the latest Edison pictures have surfaced. What sexy man could have leaked this? In it is the “teaser” cellphone video Kira sent out. Get it here. As a result of what has happened, Edison has been dropped from his upcoming movie, Jump, and Bobo Chan’s wedding has been called off. The unknown woman in the pictures is thought to be Yu Chiu, a Japanese porn star. This scandal is currently the cover story of almost every gossip rag in Hong Kong.
p.s.如果你是要求人们"请电邮给您视频" ,有95 %的机会,你不会得到它。
P.S. If you are asking people to “please e-mail you the video,” there’s a 95% chance you won’t get it. However, there is a 100% chance you will be spammed into oblivion. Therefore, if you’re curious about how to make your schlong larger, then by all means, continue what you’re doing.
02/08/08 Part 1
La muy esperada liberación de los tres vídeos y 600 fotos + por el hombre llamado "Kira" ayer no fue así como todos esperábamos. Es posible que fue en la celebración del Año Nuevo chino y en la actualidad cuenta con una resaca que arden. Mientras tanto, la CNN recogió la historia.
The highly anticipated release of three videos and 600+ pictures by the man called “Kira” yesterday did not happen as everyone had hoped. It is possible he was out celebrating the Chinese New Year and now has a raging hangover. Meanwhile, CNN picked up the story.
The unidentified women in the pictures has been identified as Mandy Chen Yu Ju whom Edison met at a 2001 beauty pageant he performed at.
02/08/08 Part 2
Random Citations reports that Edison Chen’s sex tape with Maggie Q has been leaked and was quickly pulled off an HK forum. The video allegedly showed Edison Chen performing a sexual act (?) on top of Maggie Q who is lying on her stomach. So, the tape is out there, but not widespread as of yet.
02/08/08 Part 3
Jolin Tsai? Anyone want to confirm this? Right now, people are 99% sure this is not Jolin. Took them off to avoid confusion. Those are not of Jolin Tsai.
02/08/08 Part 4
Around four brand new sets of Gillian and Cecilia Были освобождены. The download is from megaupload and they are highly tagged with a URL. I’m still trying to find the untagged versions, so if you come across them, let me know. Big thanks to Mr. X in the comments. Enjoy the untagged versions. [Мегазагрузить | Быстрыеподелиться | зподелиться] (This is my version with 3 pictures of Vincy Yeung removed. She’s 18 now, but no one knows when the pictures were taken even though the age of consent in HK is 16. Her uncle is Edison’s ex-boss and has gang affiliations. I guess that means Edison is in trouble. Thanks John!)
I’ll put up the ones with Vincy only when her age is confirmed. Age of consent is 16 in Hong Kong, but I’m in the US.
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