ANT(Antony Harding) - Footprints Through the Snow

This is a comfortable album. Ant's voice is natural and the guitar is idle.A little mournful.It deserve listening. Cute and adorable!

Antony Harding is an English singer, songwriter and musician from the Isle of Wight威特島.(lives in Malmö, Sweden,) He is best known as the drummer in London band Hefner, and plays independently as ANT.

ps.威特島 (Isle of Wight),位於大不列顛島南岸對開,是一個島嶼 (面積380平方公里),同時又是英格蘭的一郡 (2005年人口140,000人)。是著名的旅遊勝地,也是歐洲地區化石最豐富的地方之一。

ANT's debut solo album A Long Way to Blow a Kiss was released in 2002 also on Fortune and Glory Records.

Footprints Through the Snow is the second solo album by Antony Harding as ANT, released in Feb. 2006 on Homesleep Records(Italian label).

ANT is currently working on a 5 song mini album/EP for cult Spanish label Acuarela Discos due out in 2007.

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1.When Your Heart Breaks (Into Many Little Pieces) – 2:23
2.In Your Dreams – 3:15
3.Slipped Away – 3:43
4.She'll Be Home Soon – 3:20
5.Spent Too Long Walking With No Heart to Follow" – 4:00
6.This Goodbye Kiss – 4:57
7.Look How Time Flies – 2:42
8.Those Memories – 3:51
9.Change With the Season – 4:59
10.Up Sticks and Go – 3:59
11.Haven't You Got Anywhere Left You Can Run To? – 2:59
12.We Didn't Move a Muscle – 4:12
13.Heading Home – 4:17

Footprints Through The Snow is an elegant and sweet natured album that takes a Conor Oberst / Elliott Smith drift through tales of heartbreak and poignantly hopeful woe. Every so often it teeters in the direction of the Valley of the Twee, and with Belle & Sebastian currently lost on the spaceship T-Rex, there’s room for Ant in the valley.

Ant’s voice is sweet, the songs are coy and charming, full of plaintive violin, wheezing harmonium, twinkly keyboards and strummed guitar, but none of this threatens to set the world on fire. It’s good, of its kind - there’s a lot of wistful daydreaming, and nowhere does anyone repeatedly sing “You’re beautiful...” in a constipated yelp.

By track 9, though, it begins to outstay its welcome. There’s no real change in pace or melody, and nothing much to make you sit and listen right the way through. Thirteen tracks of much of a muchness, as pleasant as that muchness is, is a little bit too much.

There’s not much else to say, really, so here are some reference points: Magnet, Gravenhurst, Bright Eyes, Aberfeldy and The Magic Numbers.

He’s Swedish, by the way, and he recorded this album in Italy. On track 8, he sings about London and the Isle of Wight.

2006/12/6 前衛花園 螞蟻先生 雪中遺留的足印

這世界上有很多細微的情感,雖然與澎湃、激昂、沸騰等形容詞始終無緣,但這種一點一滴佔領人心的美麗記憶,總在人心頭留下一股暖流。在這個季節聆聽著 Ant 的歌聲,正可以清晰地感覺到這種情感的作用;Ant用他慵懶、不經意的聲線將你帶入夢幻般的音樂世界。本籍瑞典的Antony Harding,於旅居義大利時,創作出這張豐美溫暖如雪地中一盞明燈的《Footprints Through The Snow》。

這是一張關於等待、得到、享受然後失去愛情的專輯。這些歌曲彷彿是雪地上留下的腳印一樣平淡無奇,但是卻清晰可見。專輯裡的音樂在清新、單純中,採取各種多變的姿態,像是開場曲 "When Your Heart Breaks" 裡錚鏦清脆的空心吉他與青澀情愫,或者"Slipped Away" 中氤氳迷濛的淡淡憂傷,還是"Spent Too Long Walking With No Heart To Follow"不失溫暖與希望的迷惘惆悵,在Ant的世界裡,精確地描繪了現代人種種複雜的心緒和矛盾,只要讓這些輕柔甜蜜的歌聲緩緩解開、釋放出心底種種糾結的情感與疑問,靈魂,便自然而然地得到了救贖。

ANT Discography

Cures for Broken Hearts (mini-album, Fortune and Glory UK 2000)
A Long Way to Blow a Kiss (album F&G UK 2002)
Floating on the Breeze (mini-album, Homesleep IT 2003)
Sad to See It's Morning (compilation album of singles and rarities, F&G UK 2004)
Footprints Through the Snow (album Homesleep IT 2006)

"I Hope You'll Always Be There" (7" Evil World Records UK 1999)
"Where Happiness Begins" (CD single Fabulous Friends Records SWE 1999)
"Mountains" (Imprints Of Emotion EP) (Split 7" Zenith/Smudgey Records SWE 2003)
"When Your Heart Breaks (Into Many Little Pieces)" (Split 7" Let's Expect Art Records SWE 2006)
"I Couldn't Remember the Dream" (Split 7" Black Candy Records IT 2006)


Oh sitting in your room was the highlight of my life.

Yeah sitting in your room was the highlight of my life.

And I know it didn't amount to much and I know it wasn't right,

But sitting in your room, oh that was the highlight of my life.

Oh sitting next to you there was only one thing on my mind.

Yeah sitting next to you there was only one thing on my mind.

And I know we didn't make it and I know it didn't feel right,

but sitting next to you, oh there was only one thing on my mind.

And we didn't talk for hours, no, we didn't make a sound.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

And we couldn't lift a conversation, up off of the ground.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

Oh sitting there with you, my heart was jumping inside.

Yeah sitting there with you, my heart was jumping inside.

And I didn't know much about you but I sure knew what I liked.

And sitting there with you, oh my heart was jumping inside.

And we didn't talk for hours, no, we didn't make a sound.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

And we couldn't lift a conversation, up off of the ground.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

No, we didn't move a muscle, no, we didn't fool around.

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