艾蜜莉金 Emily King - East Side Story 東城故事
Label: J Records
Genre: R&B, Hip hop
East Side Story is a real life tale about Emily King’s experiences growing up in NYC and finding the common ground between rock and soul, black and white, hip-hop party music and music for social change. With her words, worlds are joined.
It’s like she weaved an unimaginable bridge between very different planets for us all to stand on momentarily while we escape to the soothing sounds of her songs. “Colorblind,” is about her first realization that the world sees sometimes only in two colors, she ask “Are we so different? Or are we the same? Is it what we feel inside?”
Emily’s talent and heartfelt desire to bring people together, both go a long way. Overlooking this humble, talented, and ambitious singer/songwriter would be a disservice to us all.
2007/12/14 SonyBMG
◎聲音透出如同Alicia濃濃黑人靈樂線調特質,融合節奏藍調、靈魂、爵士、雷鬼、 搖滾等元素
◎瑪莉布萊姬、瑪麗亞凱莉、阿姆、亞瑟小子等巨星暢銷作品的幕後推手Chucky Thompson製作/背書
◎請到傑斯以饒舌神童直呼其名的Lupe Fiasco說唱助陣之首波主打”Walk In My
Shoes”,爬升全美熱門成人點播Top25、翻唱靈魂傳奇歌手Bill Withers的1971 年經典”Ain`t No Sunshine”
繼艾莉西亞凱斯/Alicia Keys、傑米福克斯/ Jamie Foxx、Mario/馬力歐後,J Record鄭重推薦一位亮麗白人女孩,聲音特質透出濃濃黑人靈樂,如同Alicia的曼妙線調,融合節奏藍調、靈魂、爵士、雷鬼、搖滾等元素,Emily King的寬廣嗓音韌度,穿透力極強的帶出直達聆聽著內心深處的感動。
流有非洲、義大利、波蘭等國血統,身為國際出色爵士二人組Marion Cowings與Kim Kalesti女兒的Emily King,從小在音樂環境下長大,於孩提時期便受到爵士和古典樂的薰陶,除此之外,接受度極高的Emily,從Beatles、Nas、Radiohead到Michael Jackson全不放過。追隨父母的腳步,立定未來的志向,從求學時候開始,Emily便積極朝著音樂之途邁進。16歲寫下第一首創作曲,隨著到當地民謠Club演出之際,認識吹牛老爹音樂廠牌Bad Boy旗下超級製作人Chucky Thompson(瑪莉布萊姬、瑪麗亞凱莉、阿姆),兩人開始錄製一些DEMO,Chucky同時幫Emily穿針引線,最終與J Records簽下一紙合約。
首張專輯《East Side Story》,由恩師Chucky Thompson全權製作,首波突顯獨立自主的態度,無懼生活的艱辛困苦,仍要走出自我的”Walk In My Shoes”,以靈魂曲調做主軸,壓縮屬於街頭嘻哈節拍,同時請來受到饒舌界傳奇人物傑斯大力推薦給Arista總裁L.A. Reid,並以饒舌神童直呼其名的Lupe Fiasco說唱助陣;動聽流暢的抒情小品”Alright”,取樣善用鋼琴創作演出的Bruce Hornsby於1986年締造冠軍之代表”The Way It Is”;圍繞在微甜愛戀情緒下的”U & I”,溫暖放克搖擺氣流融化在合音堆疊的復古Soulful味覺中;高低、真假音瞬間轉化的”Hold Me”,體驗Emily大展聲音的魔力;翻唱靈魂傳奇歌手Bill Withers的1971年經典”Ain't No Sunshine”,此曲入選滾石雜誌「史上五百首經典歌曲」名單;挑動Bossa Nova微醺氣氛的”Moon”,調製出懶洋洋隨性且輕愉的浪漫感;空心吉他貫穿全曲的”Business Man”,是Emily於16歲所創作出的生平首支作品。一位相當具有靈性的創作才女,舒服飄散最簡單的聆聽熱度,Emily會是你錯過可惜的耀眼新星。
1. Walk In My Shoes
2. Colorblind
3. Alright
4. U & I
5. Hold Me
6. Ain't No Sunshine
7. You Can Get By
8. E Melody
9. It Was You
10. Moon
11. Business Man
12. Never Be Lonely
13. Ride With Me
14. Walk In My Shoes (feat. Lupe Fiasco)
- Dec 26 Wed 2007 10:12
艾蜜莉金 Emily King - 東城故事