小葉 1209
Alizée - Psychédélices (Date of release: 3-12-2007)
Alizée married fellow French singer Jérémy Châtelain in late 2003. Since her marriage she has taken a break from singing, but is returning with a new album, titled Psychédélices on December 3, 2007.
◎法國性感全方位女歌手Vanessa Paradis後,第二位打進英國金榜排行Top10的法國女藝人
擁有甜美的歌聲與外型,一位16歲的小女生艾莉婕,從法國翻紅至全球各地,曾短暫炫風訪華,就連台灣也難以抵擋她的魅力。雖然以法文發音,卻能突破語言籓籬打入英語系以及亞洲國家,繼法國性感全方位女歌手Vanessa Paradis/凡妮莎帕拉迪絲後,第二位打進英國金榜排行Top10的法國女藝人。
全名Alizee Jacotey的艾莉婕,出生於法國南部的柯西嘉島,自幼學習舞蹈、繪畫、唱歌以及演戲,發揮與生俱來的表演細胞。11歲贏得繪畫比賽獎盃,她的作品更成為飛機機身主圖,並且命名為「Alizee」。2000年參加新秀選拔賽,吸引在場法國首席女歌手Mylene Farmer及其製作人Laurent Boutonnat的目光,順勢簽下一紙合約後推出單曲“Moi Lolita”,法國衝出150萬張銷量,奪下義大利、西班牙、波蘭等國冠軍,英國金榜Top9,首張專輯《Gourmandises》細膩描述花樣少女的甜蜜與哀愁,發行三週即破法國白金唱片紀錄,全球捷報頻傳的總累積四百萬張佳績。第二張大碟《Mes Courants Electriques》,不僅全球開出百萬銷售紅盤,更獲AMG大力讚譽「…艾莉婕有著令人暈眩、性感的嗓音,同時將這些歌曲詮釋的相當得宜…」
睽違四年之久轉換新東家RCA旗下問世第三張錄音室作品《Psychedelices》,艾莉婕同時參與製作的重責大任。第一波單曲”Mademoiselle Juliette”,登上法國下載榜Top13,交融強烈電子與搖滾的撞擊,艾莉婕加入更多酷酷個性演唱調調,請到法國籍炙手可熱的製作/演奏才子Bertrand Burgalat(Depeche Mode、Pizzicato Five、Mick Harvey)操盤;第二支預備曲”Fifty Sixy”,更為流暢動聽旋律貫穿,同樣加料歡樂舞曲聲韻,展現年輕的無比熱力;同名單曲”
她在2005年4月29日於巴黎為丈夫Jérémy Chatelain(歌手)生下女兒Anny-Lee。
1999年,艾莉婕參加法國電視台M6新秀選拔試鏡,她的表現讓在場的法國首席女歌手瑪蓮·法莫(Mylène Farmer)及她的專屬製作人Laurent Boutonnat驚為天人。立即和艾莉婕簽下了唱片合約。雙方合作後,艾莉婕推出的首支主打單曲「百變羅莉塔」(Moi... Lolita),推出後立即席捲整個歐洲,成為一股風潮。登上法國、西班牙、義大利、德國、俄羅斯、以色列、波蘭等八大國的暢銷排行榜冠軍。這支單曲的銷售量不僅止於在法國獲頒鑽石唱片,包括在比利時寫下雙白金、瑞士寫下金唱片、德國寫下金唱片、而在其他歐洲各國紛紛寫下雙白金或金唱片的紀錄。挾著這首單曲勢如破竹的驚人氣勢,艾莉婕的法語專輯在全球創下萬張的銷售量,並贏得M6音樂大獎與NRJ音樂獎所頒發的「法國最有前途新人獎」、「最佳音樂網站」與世界音樂獎。2003年專輯正式在全歐洲以及俄羅斯、加拿大、日本發行,並於俄羅斯贏得HIT FM音樂獎。
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1. mademoiselle Juliette
2. fifty fifty
3. mon taxi driver
4. jamais plus
5. psychédélices
6. décollage
7. par les paupières
8. Lilly town
9. lonely list
10. idéaliser
11 L'Effet
Alizée Jacotey (IPA: [a.li.ze]) (born August 21, 1984) is a French singer. Born in Ajaccio, Corsica, she goes by the stage name Alizée — the feminine form of alizé, the trade wind. She was discovered by Mylène Farmer, following her winning performance in the talent show, Graines de Star, in 1999. While collaborating with Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat, Alizée came up with two albums — both of which were hits inside and outside of France. Alizée is considered the protégée of Mylène Farmer.
Alizée entered the music business in the year 2000. Since then, she has released two studio albums, composed by Laurent Boutonnat and written by Mylène Farmer. Her first album was Gourmandises, which received Platinum certification within three months of release.
Gourmandises was a success both in France and abroad — after it had its international launch in 2001 — earning Alizée the distinction of being the highest selling female French singer in 2001. The album featured her most successful single "Moi... Lolita" which reached number one in several countries in Europe and East Asia. The marketing campaign around the single affixed Alizée's image as that of a seductive lolita. Gourmandises was followed by a second studio album, Mes Courants Électriques in 2003, which was also quite successful, though not as big a hit as Alizée's debut album. Following its release, Alizée toured France during the fall of 2003, performing in 43 concerts throughout France, along with Belgium and Switzerland.