Beowulf 貝武夫:北海的詛咒
導演:羅伯特·澤米吉斯 Robert Zemeckis
編劇:Roger Avary、Neil Gaiman
主演:安吉莉娜.朱莉Angelina Jolie、雷.溫斯頓Ray Winstone、安東尼.霍普金斯Anthony Hopkins、布萊丹.格裏森Brendan Gleeson、Dominic Keating、Alison Lohman、Robin Wright Penn、Ray Winstone
影像與動畫:索尼影像工作室(Sony Pictures Imageworks, Inc.)製作
英雄傳奇的時代,強而有力的戰士Beowulf弒殺惡魔Grendel後招致惡魔巨大但具性感魅力的母親的報復,之間的衝突鬥爭展開一場血戰的冒險傳奇故事。挑戰性十足的導演Robert Zemeckis將Beowulf這個英雄事蹟的傳說賦予一個史無前例的新視界。
改編而成的史詩電影《Beowulf 》從一開拍就引起了廣泛的關注。改編自英國撒克遜人的偉大史詩《Beowulf 》的這部《 Beowulf and demon Grendel》是一部講述了一個挪威武士Beowulf為對抗強大危險的巨人Grendel,而展開血戰的中世紀冒險故事,堪稱血染的傳說。各路高手蜂擁而來,只為在這部英國文學歷史上第一部重要作品中佔有一席之地。由始至終效忠於King Hrothgar、極端受人尊敬的丹麥之王Beowulf帶領一群武士渡過海洋,去拯救一個被怪物掠劫的村莊。怪物Grendel不再是神話力量……
FR :firewalker
Beowulf 的故事主要是講北歐戰士 Beowulf 和兇殘的 Grendel 間的血戰,當然不只是這樣,還有很多的過程,Beowulf 是個常勝軍,也因此被英雄神話所苦,出於對 Danes 王 Hrothgar 的忠心,帶著人馬渡海去幫助村子擊敗為復仇而活的 Grendel,卻發現真的要對 Grendel 變成這樣而負責的人是他完全沒料到的人(就不在此說出是誰,讓大家自己享受看的樂趣),加上他和女巫師 Selma 間的關係,困惑又更深了。Beowulf 不只刻劃人物,否則就和大力士或是海德拉沒什麼不同,Beowulf 還刻劃了那個世界。
For his 2007 computer-animated take on the ancient tale of BEOWULF, director Robert Zemeckis once again opted to work with frequent collaborator Alan Silvestri. With his horn-and-percussion-heavy compositions (see the tense "Second Grendel Attack"), Silvestri captures the epic scale of the movie, allowing its more reflective moments to be voiced by Robin Wright-Penn and Idina Menzel in their respectively spare and sweeping versions of "A Hero Comes Home."
Warner Bros. Records
Genre: Soundtrack
Music by: Alan Silvestri
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1. Beowulf Main Title
2. First Grendel Attack
3. Gently As She Goes (performed by Robin Wright-Penn)
4. What We Need Is A Hero
5. I'm Here To Kill Your Monster
6. I Did Not Win The Race
7. A Hero Comes Home (performed by Robin Wright-Penn)
8. Second Grendel Attack
9. I Am Beowulf
10. The Seduction
11. King Beowulf
12. He Has A Story To Tell
13. Full Of Fine Promises
14. Beowulf Slays The Beast
15. He Was The Best Of Us
16. The Final Seduction
17. A Hero Comes Home (End Credit Version)(performed by Idina Menzel)