泰國的音樂也是有分流行音樂和傳統的鄉村音樂 (各位可以把它想像成我們的台語歌)
介紹給大家認識的就是泰國的目前最紅的"台語天后" Tai Orrathai

小葉 1201
Tai Orrathai -Kho Khae Ru Khaow ขอแค่รู้ข่าว 只希望知道消息
This MV is fantastic, one of the best this year. The song is also one of our favourites of this year, Tai Orratai is just a fantastic artist! This song is available on the Duay ruk dae kroo sa lah compilation.

FR:Bew Kalaynee

This is a compilation album showcasing Grammy's female loogthung and on evidence of this they have a good selection of artists. Track 1 is by Tai Orratai and as you would expect "Khor kae roo kao" is a fantastic song, actually its one of the best we have yet heard Tai done in our opinion. The MV is also great, especially when Tai appears on the screen 3 times. The song is so heart-felt too. Tai has an uncanny way of packing emotion into a song.

Another highlight is Praewa Patcharee's "Jeb tee tong jai" (MV link), how can you resist a song where the singer stands on a giant flower? We really like the way Praewa looks genuinely depressed as she is singing.

Jakkajan Wanwisah also scores well with "Kued hord boh jing", to be honest her recent album didn't set our world alight but we will revisit it again after hearing this song. Ratchanok Srilophan and Tuktan Chollada also have good songs on this album (and great MVs too). There arn't really any weak songs on this album, maybe Earn's fast song was a bit so-so. Actually the fast songs (which arn't many on here anyway) are a bit average but that doesn't detract much more the fact the songs on here are fantastic.

Rating : 10/10

Click here to get this CD / VCD

Top 10 Thai Country Chart (28/11/07)

These are our top 10 favourite loogthung/morlum songs this week.

1) mai chai fan tum taen mai dai - TAKKATAN CHOLADA (2)
2) wittalai lhai jai - VIT HYPER (1)
3) korb kun tee ruk gun - LUANG KAI (-)
4) sao rum wong - TAI ORRATAI (3)
5) huk koy ploi knao - JOOM CHANIDA (6)
6) som chai 2007 - JINTARA POONLAP (8)
7) pieng soang rao - BEW KALAYNEE (5)
8) sood huk porn porn - PRAME PREEYAGORN (-)
9) wun tok ngarn - PRIK WHARN (4)
10) sommut wah glub bon - PEE SADERD (9)

Tai Orrathai / ต่าย อรทัย - 都市中的花草
FR: ทีม
Tai Orrathai 二年前的舊歌

歌中訴說了 鄉下人到大城市打拚, 嚐儘人情冷暖
但內心並沒有被打敗 且不放棄希望


我只是個出身低賤的平凡人 習慣被驅使,
但內心並沒有失去自我的價值, 心中花朵還是能夠微笑.....

了解泰國的人都知道, 泰國的城鄉貧富差距之大
在曼谷的勞工或人力 大部份都是那些來自外縣市或鄉下來的人所擔任的

這樣的歌詞道出了, 泰國城市裡 身處低層社會階級人的心聲

    創作者 葉總裁 的頭像

    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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