淒美細膩重新詮釋美國搖滾怪傑Alice Cooper的1989年暢銷曲“Poison”;如史詩般浩大之作“I Walk Alone”奪下芬蘭TOP6+德國TOP17+奧地利TOP37
不受英美兩大出產國進入90年代金屬樂已從主流界消失的影響,北歐金屬勢力在全球搖滾舞台持續發光發熱。來自芬蘭打著Symphonic Power/Melodic Metal的首席大團Nightwish/日暮頌歌樂團,將金屬的重量感和猛勁大幅提升,透出更加狂野奔放氣流,磅礡巨大的鍵盤弦樂鋪陳套入熱血沸騰之吉他音軌,一再驅動華麗盛大的圖像,其中最受矚目的美聲女主音Tarja,歷經九年的樂團洗禮後,展翅高飛開創屬於個人的演藝生涯。
無論各樂手多麼具有默契,能夠激爆出超高能量的金屬線條,缺少了對味搭腔的靈魂主音,總感到稍嫌空洞,然而從六歲開始接觸音樂,有著古典歌劇深厚功力的Tarja,用她獨特且強而有力的聲樂腔調演出,令Nightwish樂迷震懾不已。本名Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen的Tarja,自1997-2004年間,引導Nightwish發行六張作品,全在芬蘭開出銷售佳績,後續將這股勢力擴散到鄰近歐洲各國,甚至於英國領域搶下一席之地。
2006年首張單飛大碟『Henkäys Ikuisuudesta』跳脫一般創作模式,以聖誕應景特輯暖身,輕鬆奪下白金唱片。經過一年潛心寫歌,拱出全球樂迷引頸長盼的正式錄音室個人專輯【My Winter Storm】,請到Daniel Presley(Cradle Of Filth、Faith No More、The Breeders)全權操盤製作/混音。開場如史詩般浩大景象的“I Walk Alone”,聽到Tarja再次綻放穿透力極強的寬廣音域,從舞台劇「安魂曲Requiem」尋求靈感,奪下芬蘭Top6+德國Top17+奧地利Top37;倚靠劇院管絃樂隊伴奏,屏除金屬霸氣的“The Reign”,一場華麗的古典與流行音樂旅程就此展開,如歌劇般令人動容;豐富器樂編奏與極悅耳旋律性的“Boy And The Ghost”,以鋼琴拉開序幕,漸層性的包裹哥德式飽滿音場;翻唱美國Glam/Shock搖滾樂派怪傑Alice Cooper於1989年締造的暢銷單曲“Poison”,Tarja改編的更為淒美細緻;“Ciarán’s Well”霎時衝出的金屬激流直接引至高漲情緒頂端,氣氛鋪陳拿捏的恰到好處。這位金屬界的美聲歌姬,再次獨領風騷的將Symphonic Power Opera Metal完美呈現。
Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen (born August 17, 1977, in Kitee, Finland), is a Finnish singer. She is best known as the former lead singer of symphonic metal band Nightwish芬蘭交響金屬團日暮頌歌前聲樂女高音主唱, which she founded along with Emppu & Tuomas 1996. She now devotes her time to her solo career, after being expelled from the band in October 2005. She married an Argentine businessman, Marcelo Cabuli, in early 2003.
My Winter Storm is the second solo studio album by the Finnish heavy metal soprano singer Tarja Turunen. The album was released by Universal Music on November 19, 2007. Both the single and the album are produced by Daniel Presley.
The radio version of the first single - "I Walk Alone" - is already playing on Finnish radio and the music video presenting Tarja's new characters created for this album is playing on MTV. Before the end of the year, Tarja has scheduled a minitour of 10 concerts in various European countries.
The actual album tour is scheduled for 2008. An official website for the album has been opened with information about it. The album isalso be available as a limited edition 2-disc digipack with a bonus DVD.
The album leaked into the Internet on November 13th.
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In December 2005, she performed several Christmas concerts in Finland, Germany, Spain and Romania. 2006 was not a break year for Turunen, who has recorded a Christmas album and vocals for her brother, Timo Turunen's debut album. She will also be making an appearance at the Savonlinna Opera Festival.
Tarja's second solo album, 'My Winter Storm', is planned for release in November 2007. Tarja also sings on track "In The Picture", composed by Rage guitarist Victor Smolski, on Nuclear Blast Allstars' album Into The Light, 2007.
On September 16th Tarja attended a Meet and Greet session / Listening Party with some fans in London to help launch the Spinefarm UK label. At the event the fans were given the opportunity to be the first in the world to listen to 8 of the songs from her upcoming album My Winter Storm as well as ask Tarja questions. Overall the reaction was good. Tarja confirmed at the event that there would be some solo dates at the end of the year, including London.
The following day, September 17th Tarja's solo dates were announced across Europe. The currently confirmed cities are Berlin, London, Moscow, Budapest, Cologne, Paris Amsterdam and Zurich.
In October 2007 a Street Team endorsed by Universal Music and Spinefarm UK was launched for Tarja through UK based company Worst Decision. The aim of the team is to help promote Tarja's upcoming single, album and tour with the help of dedicated fans, the most dedicated of which will be eligible to receive free stuff for their work . While currently aimed mainly at the UK market it is hoped that many members from all over the world will join to help spread the word about Tarja throughout the UK, Europe and around the world.
"Ite, missa est" - 00:27
"I Walk Alone" - 3:53
"Lost Northern Star" - 4:22
"Seeking For The Reign" - 00:58
"The Reign" - 4:07
"The Escape Of The Doll" - 00:32
"My Little Phoenix" - 4:02
"Die Alive" - 4:04
"Boy And The Ghost" - 4:36
"Sing For Me" - 4:16
"Oasis" - 5:10
"Poison" (Alice Cooper Cover) - 4:01
"Our Great Divide" - 5:05
"Sunset" - 00:36
"Damned And Divine" - 4:29
"Minor Heaven" - 4:00
"Ciaran's Well" - 3:37
"Calling Grace" - 3:06
[edit] Bonus Tracks
"Damned Vampire & Gothic Divine" - 5:01
"I Walk Alone" (Artist Version) - 4:23
"I Walk Alone" (In Extremo Remix) - 4:31
"The Seer" (Deleted Scene - UK Bonus Track) - 4:17
[edit] Bonus DVD for Limited Edition
Photo Gallery
"I Walk Alone" (Single Version)
"I Walk Alone" (Artist Version)
"I Walk Alone" (Making Of The video)
"My Winter Storm" (Making Of The album)