U r the one Kylie! GO GO

Kylie Minogue X
Kylie 凱莉 X亞洲獨佔CD+DVD影音豪華精裝版

7. The One 真命天女
燈光與星光,如瀑布般洩滿了舞池;脈搏、呼吸與節奏,等待合而為一...再現〈In Your Eyes〉與〈I Believe In You〉的凱莉排行熱力,被譽為絕對是2007舞池閉幕國歌!聽見沒?空氣中的電子聲響,正呼喚你擁抱起摯愛,隨著「凱莉熱潮Kylie-ish Dance」第二支強勢注目曲,一同穿梭時光。
14.日本盤 追加曲

★ 性感不只是完美,而是多了十足的勇氣!因為有你,凱莉Kylie「勇敢」站在這裡!
★ 走過人生黑暗,終於等到凱莉浴火新生第十張專輯綻放最耀眼的光芒!
★ 《X》,不僅象徵是凱莉個人第10張音樂作品,同時也代表凱莉和全球歌迷一同完成全面復出的共同記號!
☆ 亞洲特別版破天荒獨佔收錄亞洲天后蔡依林Jolin與全球性感女神凱莉首度跨國合作、TVBSG 決戰第1名 Super Model No.1 節目主題曲:〈In My Arms〉

☆ 附贈DVD收錄凱莉對新輯曲目詳細訪談、精美寫真、《White Diamond》DVD預告短片和首支單曲〈2 Hearts〉MV,透過電腦線上註冊,還可獨享樂迷私房曲〈RIPPIN’ UP THE DISCO〉

Traditionally, Kylie Minogue has been at her best attempting pure pop, not chasing credibility, but "X" - her 10th studio album, and the first since 2003's "Body Language"- somehow pulls off the trick of being both.

With production credits split between old hands, like Richard Stannard and Guy Chambers, and new faces, like Calvin Harris, the Freemasons, and Bloodshy & Avant, the Swedish team behind Britney's "Toxic", "X" does a neat job of matching big hooks with forward-thinking production tricks.

The poptimistic Kylie fan will head straight for "2 Hearts", a sassy falling-for-you number with a glammy beat and a chorus poised to fill a thousand Karaoke rooms, and "Wow" - a thumping disco number with a lot of love to give.

Scattered alongside these, however, are some slightly more adventurous productions that demonstrate that, despite a few years off the stage, Kylie is well up to speed with 21st Century pop: the excellent "Speakerphone" begins with the sound of a strummed harp before diffusing into a shimmering, Scandinavian-tinged electro-pop number reminiscent of Robyn or The Knife, all snapping,sassy beats and vocodered vocal; meanwhile, the ghetto-pop bounce of "Nu-di-ty" proves raunch is still by no means beyond her.

1. 2 Hearts 心心相印

2. Like A Drug 愛情迷藥

3. In My Arms (featuring Jolin) 愛的抱抱
在凱莉的懷抱裡,勇敢地向愛告白!繼〈Can't Get You Out Of My Head〉與〈Love At First Sight〉排行金曲後,凱莉新輯《X》首支熱翻全球舞池、再掀「凱莉熱潮Kylie-ish Dance」的強勢注目曲。亞洲獨佔版邀來蔡依林Jolin獻聲助陣,完成東西流行天后的首度跨國合作!

4. Speakerphone 性感誘惑

5. Sensitized 敏感
取樣自碧姬芭杜Brigitte Bardot和塞吉坎斯伯Serge Gainsbourg所演唱的電影《我倆沒有明天(雌雄大盜)》主題曲〈Bonnie and Clyde〉。凱莉的唯美聲線,將這經典節奏,化作性感線條、歷歷在目。

6. Heart Beat Rock 心跳加速

8. No More Rain 雨過天晴

9. All I See 在我眼中

10. Stars 星星

11. Wow
再現凱莉最惹人疼愛的俏皮與熱情,和凱莉一同WOW出生命的熱情!再現〈I Should Be So Lucky〉、〈Spinning Around〉的排行舞動經典,凱莉新輯《X》中、第三支「凱莉熱潮Kylie-ish Dance」強勢注目曲。

12. Nu-di-ty 赤裸想像

13. Cosmic 小宇宙

1. Interview with Kylie
2. Photo Gallery
(with Xclusive White Diamond track)
3. White Diamond Film trailer
4. 2 Hearts Video


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