Серебро - Song number one (2007)

Serebro - Song#1

FR:Camui's Blah Blah
Serebro 或Серебро(俄文'銀色'的意思),是俄羅斯在2007年出賽歐洲音樂大獎的女子團體。

Serebro是由主唱Elena Temnikova (1985年4月18日,德國庫爾干) ,Olya Serebrinkya(1985年4月12日,莫斯科)以及Moscovite Marina Lizorkina(1984,德國)為了參加2007年的歐洲音樂大獎所組成,她們也相當不負眾望的拿下了第三名!

Elena Temnikova

Elena Temnikova 在團中擔任的是主唱,她的形象讓我想起The Corrs(可兒家族)的主唱Andrea Corr,濃濃的煙薰妝搭配超黑的頭髮,她的聲音相當有穿透性,而且沒有新人的羞澀感。從2002年參加了Star Academy選秀節目開始,Elena就活躍在音樂圈中。Elena對音樂的執卓可以從她5歲開始學鋼琴算起。Elena除了歌聲,煙薰妝外還有一個讓人不得不注目的特色…

Olya Serebrinkya

Olya Serebrinkya是擔任合音的位子,她的長相也讓我想起美國的Olsen Twins(歐森雙胞胎),一頭金髮在團中算是搶眼了。Olya從7歲開始學芭蕾,到了17歲她原本打算變成運動家,她也參加過許多運動競賽,但最後Olya從藝術學院的歌唱表演系畢業。

Marina Lizorkina

Marina Lizorkina也是合音,她是團中年紀最大的,對我來說她的樣子比較像是我們比較熟悉的俄羅斯女歌手的長相,我是覺得她還滿像Nu Virgos(聖女天團)的那種美。加入Serebro前Marina 是Formula的主唱,並且在俄國影集"Obrechyonnaya stat zvezdoy"的原聲帶曾經獻聲。

Five, four, three, two
Listen to me
All my girls get ready (Uh huh)
We'll make it easy (Uh uh)

When I catch you picking me
You better get a chill
Boy, you wanna take on me
'Cause I'm your killing pill

Can't you see the way I move
My dress, my flashy skin
Listen up, you know I got
The place you've never been

Slow down
Boy, you don't wanna let me down
You better stop, you know what

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you (Ow)

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you (Watch out)

Keep on taking over you
It's kinda getting free
Baby boy you know I still
Got sexy freak in me

Gotta tease you nasty guy
So take it, don't be shy
Put your cherry on my cake
And taste my cherry pie

Slow down
Boy, you don't wanna let me down
You better stop, you know what

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me


Maybe I'll take you with me tonight
Maybe you'll show me another way
And find a reason for me to stay
But something I must tell you

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me


Serebro - Song #1
Uploaded by altugist>

Song #1是Serebro參加2007歐洲音樂大獎的歌曲,後來以宣傳單曲的形式在網路上提供下載,總共有13個版本,有趣的是全部都是用顏色來區隔。正常的電台版就是Song #1-"RED",其他每個顏色都代表了不同的編曲。副歌叫的那句「OW」,真的是推崇有加。這首歌只有英文版,而且她們的發音都很字正腔圓,不說還會以為是歐陸的音樂團體。

New Russia 2007 Serebro Eurovision
Uploaded by jief75

音樂錄影帶也拍攝了2個版本,一個是幾乎全部都以Elena Temnikova為主的版本,只有一個穿黑衣的造型,雖然乍看有點乾,但是我很喜歡這個版本,另一版就是稍微有平均3人的更多造型版本。


Serebro - Song #1 - LIVE -
Uploaded by dimmerXXX

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