05.18. ~06.12.預購開始
by:Eve Shiu

 凡預購邦喬飛2007全新大碟Lost Highway/飛行公路,則於該專輯發行取貨時,憑預購單存根聯即可獲贈邦喬飛獨家手機吊飾。預購期間: 05.18. ~06.12. 全新大碟【Lost Highway飛行公路】將於2007年6月15日發行,若因供貨時間產生變動,環球音樂將在官方網站www.umusic.com.tw公佈最即時發行日期,敬請密切注意。

 擁有全台唯一銷售突破百萬紀錄的西洋超級搖滾樂團—邦喬飛,在經歷了超過20個年頭的洗禮,總銷量破天荒突破一億張,繼上一張專輯【得意的一天】在全球狂賣450萬張後,終於宣佈2007最新專輯【Lost Highway】即將推出,為今年西洋樂壇投下了一顆震撼彈。只要樂迷現在預購邦喬飛2007全新大碟【Lost Highway】,則於該專輯發行取貨時,憑預購單存根聯即可獲贈超限量邦喬飛獨家手機吊飾一組,機會難得,切勿錯過。

 In June 2007, Bon Jovi will release their new tenth studio album album, Lost Highway. The first single from the new album was "(You Want to) Make a Memory" and it debuted (and peaked) at #27 in the Billboard Hot 100, Bon Jovi's highest ever debut in the charts.

 "(You Want to) Make a Memory" is Bon Jovi's current single release, from the upcoming album Lost Highway, written by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and Desmond Child. It was released for radio airplay on March 20, 2007, and for download on the US iTunes Store on April 17, 2007. It is a ballad, and was performed at several nationally-televised events in an effort to promote the single.

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