小葉 0523

Patcha Anekayuwat พัดชา เอนกอายุวัฒน์ (พัดชา AF2)
The Miracle 6
true music/True Fantasia

first of all, pat is from af2 - not af3.
Singer Patcha Anekayuwat, a rising star from reality show “Academy Fantasia”Season 2.

Patcha AF2 release her solo album 'The Miracle 6' after she done so many specail project with Academy Fantacia such as Powerpop Girl, AF the Misical etc. The 1st single's 'Cha Pai Mai Ther (Is it's too late)' a ballad song.

The people behind the production of this album includes: โอม ชาตรี คงสุวรรณ, บิ๊ก ธานัท, จั๊ก ชวิน - all very well known artists in the industry, so you can expect quality work. in addition, wan af2 is also featured on this album! he wrote the song and sings in the chorus of.

泰國UBC直播衛星電視系統的著名真人秀節目《Academy Fantasia(AF)3》
被稱為“AF”的《Academy Fantasia》是一檔真人秀節目,已熱播3年,在泰國頗具人氣。該節目在1000名青少年志願者中選出13名作為藝人,在歌唱和表演方面對他們進行3個月的培訓。這些場面通過衛星電視進行24小時直播!

韓國觀光公社今年1月27日開始作為韓流行銷活動的一部分,與泰國國際航空公司一同向泰國的人氣藝人和粉絲俱樂部會員舉行為期5天的“UBC AF 3-School Bus Trip to Korea”活動.

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    ☭ marselip0910 叶俊华™

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