SG WanneBe
SG Wanna Be的意思SG是美國的一隊組合: Simon & Garfunkel的縮寫,他們擁有美妙與獨特的音色及高水準的唱功。 Wanna Be 是指想,有追求的意思。 SG Wanna Be 是希望能以傳奇組合Simon & Garfunkel為目標,以高水準的音樂來帶給樂迷無限的音樂空間。

SG 워너비
sg WANNA BE+ ~The Precious history (Best+3.5集)
POIBOS/CJ Music(GM Production)

2004年出道的SG Wanna Be以「Timeless」一曲成名,兩年來推出了不少膾炙人口的作品,不單令他們大受歡迎,也奠定了他們韓國No.1男子R&B組合的地位。

3CD精選大碟網羅了出道兩年來的25首人氣歌曲,包括令他們一舉成名,1集的「Timeless」和「Loved you desperately」;2集的「While you live」及「罪和罰」;2.5集的「我心的珠寶盒」、「夢的對話」;3集的「我的人」和「Wedding」等代表作。當然也少不了SG Wanna Be與金鐘國、Vibe和M To M合組Big4 Of Voices時推出的「Gone With The Wind」和「Untouchable」。由於他們早期大碟已經停止發行,這張精選大碟更具收藏價值。大碟也收錄了他們與VIBE合唱的「愛之歌」等三首新歌。

Disc 1
01 . [1st ALBUM] Timeless
02 . [1st ALBUM] 죽을 만큼 사랑했어요 死了都要愛
03 . [1st ALBUM] 사랑하길 정말 잘했어요 愛得真好
04 . [1st ALBUM] 우습지 可笑
05 . [1st ALBUM] 금기 禁忌
06 . [1st ALBUM] 어린사랑 早戀
07 . [1st ALBUM] 그때까지만 就到那時
08 . [2nd Album] 죄와벌 罪與罰
09 . [2nd Album] 광 狂
10 . [2nd Album] 살다가 活著
11 . [2nd Album] Thank you
12 . [2nd Album] 입술만 깨물고 있죠 閉著嘴

Disc 2
01 . [2.5 Album] 내 마음의 보석상자 我心中的寶石盒
02 . [2.5 Album] 꿈의 대화 夢中對話
03 . [2.5 Album] 이별 아닌 이별 不是離別的離別
04 . [2.5 Album] 사랑과 우정 사이 愛情與友情間
05 . [2.5 Album] 사랑의 썰물 愛情退潮
06 . [3rd Album] 내사람 我的人 (Partner For Life)
07 . [3rd Album] 느림보 慢性子
08 . [3rd Album] 사랑했어요 - feat. デニー・アン
09 . [3rd Album] 비익조 比翼鳥
10 . [3rd Album] 폭풍 嵐
11 . [3rd Album] Wedding
12 . [Big 4 Album] Untouchable - feat. キム・ジョングク & M to M
13 . [Big 4 Album] 바람과 함께 사라지다 Gone With The Wind - feat. vibe

Disc 3
01 . [3.5 Album] 사랑가 恋愛歌feat. 尹民秀(新錄)
02 . [3.5 Album] 그저 바라볼 수만 있어도 只能凝望(新錄)
03 . [3.5 Album] Ordinary People(feat. 候尼勳,閔慶勳,張慧珍)(新錄)

SG Wannabe debuted on 2004 with their first album, Wanna Be+. It was produced by Lee Kyung Sub and Park Keun Tae, two very famous music producers in Korea. The title track's music video for the album attracted a lot of attention as well. The music video featured top actors, Seol Kyung-goo and Kim Nam-jin, and actresses, Kim Yoon-jin and Kang Hye-jeong, and the production costs were reportedly about 2 billion won. The album was an instant hit with pre-sales of 90,000 copies.

In 2005, SG Wannabe were the only artists to sell more than 400,000 copies of their album. They were ranked 1st, with over 400,000 copies sold of their 2nd album, and 12th, with 147,047 copies sold of their remake album.


[2004.01.20] Wanna Be+
[2005.03.23] Saldaga
[2006.04.12] Masterpiece

Special Albums
[2005.09.16] Classic Odyssey Remake Album
[2006.11.18] The precious history Best Album

Member Info
Name: Chae Dong Ha (David)
Birthdate: June 23, 1981
Height: 182cm
Weight: 73kg
Blood Type: A

Name: Kim Yong Jun (Whyme)
Birthdate: September 12, 1984
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Blood Type: AB
[2006.11.26] SG Wannabe Yong Jun & Brown Eyed Girls Gain Single

Name: Kim Jin Ho
Birthdate: May 21, 1986
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Blood Type: B



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