
南韓偶像團體掀起一股新韓流,也帶動「偶像經濟學」。「少女時代」去年除在南韓唱片銷售總額約台幣2.6億外,還進軍日本,短短3個月吸金台幣3.2億,「超級印鈔姬」當之無愧;而她們的師兄Super Junior也積極進攻華語市場,奠定亞洲天團地位,讓所屬的「SM娛樂」2010年營業額創下台幣23億66萬,稱霸南韓經紀公司。

少女養成 金額逾5千萬
SM娛樂旗下擁有少女時代、Super Junior、東方神起等當紅偶像團體,據「Heraldm」財經新聞網報導,如SM娛樂等大型經紀公司每年平均砸10億韓元(約台幣2669萬元)培訓團體成員,以「少女時代」為例,從練習生到2007年正式出道(約5年時間),投資金額粗估逾20億韓元(約台幣5338萬元)。

不過,努力耕耘是有收穫,南韓金融監督院的電子公告顯示,SM娛樂去年營業額達864億96萬韓元(台幣23億66萬),比前年增加3.4倍,淨利 218億韓元(約台幣5億8180萬元),是公司自1995年成立以來最賺的一年。並與「BIGBANG」的YG娛樂、「WONDER GIRLS」的JYP娛樂一同突破1500億韓元(約台幣40億元)的營業額。

偶像團體 帶動南韓觀光

SNSD members show off their personalities through Japan's “Sweet” magazine

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate
by phenomon April 14, 2011

少女時代熱度點燃日本。最近,榮登日本時尚雜誌《Sweet》的少女時代,成為大眾矚目焦點。公開的照片中,少女時代身穿風格各異的紅藍白色相間的服裝,風格獨特。每個成 員都造型不同,或性感冷傲,或帥氣可愛,散發各自的魅力。29日,少女時代將於29日在日本發售進專輯《Mr. Taxi》,即將回歸。

Hallyu group SNSD has revealed their bright charms for an ad in a Japanese magazine.

On April 14th, these advertisement scans from May’s issue of “Sweet” magazine were uploaded onto an internet portal site under the title, ’An Inside look into SNSD in latest Japanese magazine‘. The nine members of SNSD channeled the bright season of Spring into their outfits, which they’ve tweaked with their individual styles and personalities.

Yoona and Yuri displayed their sexy charms as they slightly revealed their tight abs. Tiffany, on the other hand, showed cute poses with her pouty lips and her pajama-like outfit, shaking the hearts of male fans.

Meanwhile, SNSD is awaiting the release of their third Japanese single, “Mr. Taxi“, which is planned for the 27th.


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