Source + Photo: TVDaily via Nate
by Supermar on January 12, 2011
On a recent broadcast of ‘Dream High‘, T-ara’s Eunjung transformed into a mean girl, capturing the attention of viewers.

During the episode, Yoon Baek Hee (Eunjung) bumped into Go Hyemi (Suzy) in the bathroom, where the former asked, ‘Can you get lost?

Feeling annoyed, Baek Hee fired back, ‘You think you’re tough now?’ Hyemi continued, ‘I also dislike this school. Why are you enduring it all? It’s so disgusting.

Following Baek Hee’s insults, Hyemi struck back as Baek Hee clutched her pendant. She said, ‘So you’re afraid of me… my father told me that when people are saying these things, they either have no confidence or they’re afraid.‘ Seeing Baek Hee shaken, Hyemi sealed it with, ‘You’re afraid to become Hyemi’s sidekick again.

The insults finally reached a boiling point when Baek Hee slapped Hyemi across the face and started to pull her hair. When students started to crowd around, Baek Hee pretended to faint, causing everyone to believe that she was the victim in the fight.

After seeing the episode, the viewers commented, ‘Baek Hee, who was harassed by Hyemi, today they’re the same’, ‘Where did you learn how to act!’, and ‘Even Eunjung’s looks were mean’.



  11日晚播出的KBS2TV電視臺的週一二劇《Dream high》的收視率也出現上升,與《雅典娜:戰爭的女神》一樣達到了13.8%,如果《雅典娜:戰爭的女神》不能改變收視率下滑的局面,下周很有可能下跌到週一二晚收視率排行倒數第一位。

KBS第二套電視劇《Dream High》收視率在節節高升,趕超了SBS電視劇《雅典娜:戰爭女神》

收視率調查機構AGB尼爾遜調查12日表示,11日晚播放的《Dream High》全國收視率與《雅典娜:戰爭女神》的收視率持平,達到13.8%,但首都地區的收視率高達14.3%,趕超了《雅典娜:戰爭女神》的13.9%。

《Dream High》講述一群在藝校學習並懷抱著明星夢的學生最終成長為世界級明星的故事,偶像組合成員大舉出演,吸引媒體關注,收視率也隨之上升。同時段播放的MBC電視劇《逆轉的女王》收視率達到17.4%,牢牢佔據了週一二晚電視熒屏收視冠軍寶座。

金秀賢 Kim Soo Hyun trained at JYP for three months before ‘Dream High’

Source + Photo: Nate
by elliefilet on January 12, 2011

In order to get ready for the drama ‘Dream High‘, Kim Soo Hyun was revealed to have practiced singing and dancing at JYP for three months before starting the drama.

He is reported to have led the life of a serious trainee during that time so he could keep up with idols like Taecyeon, Suzy, and Wooyoung.

A representative of Dream High stated, “Kim Soo Hyun studied song and dance for three months at JYP so he could pull off the required scenes in the drama. He lived no differently than other trainees at JYP. He learned singing and dancing for hours every day.”

They added, “Of course, he isn’t at the level of trainees who have practiced for years, but he still did his best. The people at JYP also gave him points for being faithful and working hard.”

《Dream High》金秀賢地道方言+純情微笑吸引女性芳心

KBS 2TV電視劇《Dream High》中,金秀賢飾演宋三東一角,在10日播放的第三集中登場,引發了觀眾的笑容與期待,也獲得了好評。在當天播放的劇情中,他身著自制的化肥袋服 裝,登上了《全國歌曲大賽》的舞台。他拉著高惠美[裴秀智]上了舞台,還詮釋了走音演技,引發了觀眾的爆笑。三東在比賽中被淘汰,而勸說三東一起去首爾的 惠美沒有趕上去首爾的車,不得不在三東家度過一晚。而三東的母親對來自首爾的惠美無比熱情,惠美在衛生間裡唱歌,而三東在門口側耳傾聽,上演了甜美而浪漫 的一幕。

節目播出後觀眾留言表示:想看看金秀賢唱歌的真正實力;浪漫的三東,加油;這是有史以來最浪漫的衛生間場面;三東和惠美會走上情侶路線嗎?好期待啊。金秀賢在《Dream High》中變身純情的宋三東,將展示出以往深藏不露的魅力與實力。

《Dream High》朴振英出演英語老師 令主演們紛紛笑場

11日播放的KBS 2TV《Dream High》中不懂事的代課英語老師楊真萬[朴振英飾]將會給初次入學班上英語課。麒麟藝高的入學儀式結束後,正當藝術班為成為明星而努力流汗的時候,入學 班正在上第一節課學習英語的他動詞,而且教課的老師正是用手直接撓屁股癢癢的楊真萬。麒麟藝高破格錄取了裴秀智,金秀賢,玉澤演,但是等待他們的恰好就是 入學班。播放在即,公開了英語課上的情況。

認真上課的他們CUT聲不斷,導致他們沒有了休息時間。玉澤演玩起現場收聲麥克,想忍笑卻沒忍住的裴秀智。使他們爆笑的原因就是公司代表樸振英給他 們上的不是舞蹈課而是教英語。但是,很有老師範兒的樸振英還是很好的結束了英語他動詞的課程。預熱短片的播放,使人們對驚人演技的樸振英的第一節英語課怎 樣進行,和對極其認真拍戲的玉澤演,裴秀智,金秀賢怎樣上課的情景充滿了好奇。

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