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‘go live’ dvd tracklist:
2.icicle sleeves
5.sinking friendships
6.go do
7.boy lilikoi
8.new piano song
9.around us
10.volume pedal song
11.grow till tall
filmed live at 3 mills studios, london, 26 march 2010.

‘go live’ cd tracklist:
1.stars in still water *
3.icicle sleeves
6.sinking friendships

7.saint naive
8.go do
9.boy lilikoi
10.animal arithmetic
11.new piano song *
12.around us
13.sticks & stones *
14.grow till tall
recorded live at ancienne belgique, belgium, 29 may 2010, except * recorded at the dome, brighton, 14 september 2010.

Photo Credit: Kirstie Shanley

When Sigur Ros' falsettoed frontman Jonsi stepped out with his solo album Go earlier this year, few could have imagined the impact that his mind-blowing, symphonic art-pop would have. Music we described as "shimmering odes to joy that only a basket case could fail to find uplifting" heralded a vibrant new level of epic and sumptuous productions that resonated as intimate hymns blown up to widescreen technicolor proportions. Regally mounted but never pompous and with a welcome touch of animated whimsy, the songs of Go became not only a soundtrack to a grand surrealist soundscape but, as presented in a Jonsi's dazzling live show -- captured in a new full-length, artfully shot DVD and CD package Go Live (November 30) -- a feast for the senses. As Spin put it, this is "one big bucolic electro-folk fairy-tale rave party."

Not your typical stripped indie rock performance, Go Live ramps up as elaborate stage and light production, fanciful and fantastic, with projected visuals and a mind-numbing whirlwind of colorful, strobe-lit fury. The music, including five non-Go songs, soars and swoops from intimate to intense crescendos of orchestrated grandeur, Jonsi's high-pitched vocals reaching to the heavens or dropping to a whispered sigh in the quieter passages. The DVD and CD, each running about 75 minutes, are two separate performances: the video shot at the outset of the tour for a small audience in London, the CD recorded at a September show in Europe. As performance editions go, Go Live is one of the best we've seen in a while, staggering in both creative concept and execution. Preview video after the jump. For now, Go Live is available for preorder only from the Jonsi website.

◎ 「席格若斯樂團Sigur Rós」主唱Jónsi全權主導的華麗冒險,首張個人原創唱遊專輯
◎ 新生代編曲奇才Nico Muhly(Björk、Bonnie `Prince` Billy、Antony & the Johnsons、Grizzly Bear)、Múm鼓手Samuli Kosminen、葛萊美獎錄音大師Tom Elmhirst與美籍製作人Peter Katis (Interpol, The National)等各路高手傾力相挺
◎ 由絃樂、銅管、木管樂器激發完美嗓音的無限可能,忘情地在繽紛音符與綺麗想像間追逐嬉戲
◎ musicOMH率先四顆半星高分崇拜
◎ 【限量CD+PAL DVD】加收〈Go Do〉音樂錄影帶與四首現場演出!透過電腦連線,還可進入獨家影音平台

Jonsi - "Grow Till Tall" (from Go)

Jónsi - Boy Lilikoi (From Go)

全球限量發行【CD+DVD】版本,超值DVD追加收錄首支主打單曲〈Go Do〉奇幻音樂錄影帶、2010全球巡演暖身短片、Nico Muhly掌鏡的概念影片。透過網路連線,還可以進入線上混音遊戲與即時互動影音平臺,讓你輕易掌握Jónsi的第一手演出情報與精采影音畫面!

音樂是種神奇的媒介,它巧妙地連結創作者與聽眾,藉由它我們進入另一個世界,忘情地呼吸吐納著另一個人的喜樂悲哀。來自冰島的「席格若斯樂團Sigur Rós」,擅長以層次豐富的樂器堆疊出夢幻飄渺的極地風景,主唱「雍希Jón Thor (Jónsi) Birgisson」(以下簡稱Jónsi),那把足以穿透天際的高亮嗓音,承載無數樂迷想要遁離俗世的願望。Sigur Rós成軍至今,少說已有15年的歷史,這些年來Jónsi從未停下創作的腳步,儘管Sigur Rós的音樂風格不斷突破革新,卻不見得能完全包納Jónsi的個人喜好,因此他一直有系統地整理歸類那些未經發行採用的作品,當中包含電子、流行、Ambient與原音演唱等迥異樂風。2009年Jónsi與親密伴侶艾力克Alex Somers聯名推出專輯《Riceboy Sleeps》,合力建構一個由濃霧與稀薄空氣所組成的蒼鬱世界,讓人飄浮其中直至海枯石爛。此次記錄了Jónsi在Sigur Rós之外的音樂樣貌,卻未刻意突顯他的美妙歌喉。Jónsi當然明白自己嗓音的優勢,因此除了《Riceboy Sleeps》,他同時也積極張羅個人首張大碟的發行事宜,Jónsi表示:「我原先只想做一張低調的不插電作品,誰知道原先規劃好的方向,最後突然演變成那麼多的可能性!」。本張專輯《Go》對Jónsi而言,是一段私人旅程,即使大家已把他的歌聲與Sigur Rós畫上等號,但他卻從未如此外放激昂,他那伸縮自如的聲音,是在森林中自由奔跑的純真精靈,亦是縈繞不去的幽魂鬼魅。本張大碟中的歌曲,最早幾乎都由吉他、鋼琴、小風琴等樂器來琢磨雛型,然而在與其他音樂人接觸後,立刻產生了不可思議的化學反應,引領雙方走進一個滿佈奇花異草與珍禽異獸的化外之境。

新生代編曲奇才Nico Muhly,無疑是《Go》得以圓滿的重要關鍵,曾與Philip Glass共事的他,過去先後與Björk、Bonnie `Prince` Billy、Antony & the Johnsons與Grizzly Bear等深具個人特色的音樂人合作。此次Nico Muhly動用豐富的絃樂、銅管、木管樂器來烘托Jónsi的清亮嗓音,揭露他過去隱而不顯的活潑性格與未泯童心。Múm鼓手Samuli Kosminen也同時受邀上陣,芬蘭籍的他有一套獨特隨興的演奏哲學,成功地為本專輯營造出不受拘束,甚至稱得上狂野的音樂氛圍。專輯部份音樂片段由Jónsi在冰島自家錄製,但主要的錄音工作還是特地前往美國康乃迪克州進行,Jónsi與男友及美國知名製作人Peter Katis(Interpol, The National, Tokyo Police Club)共同擔綱監製。而混音後製工作,則交由倫敦最受讚譽的錄音師Tom Elmhirst主理,過去因為在Amy Winehouse熱門專輯《Back To Black》中表現出色、為他一連奪下兩座葛萊美獎座,他同時也是The Kills、Lilly Allen、Fiona Apple、Nikka costa、Hot Chip、Goldfrapp、Manic Street Preachers等知名樂手指名合作的對象。首發單曲〈Go Do〉、〈Animal Arithmetic〉與〈Around Us〉猶如讓人產生瘋狂幻覺的精神興奮劑,這些帶來狂喜效用的中快版歌曲,絕對令大家對Jónsi刮目相看。至於由多層人聲交錯而成的〈Sinking Friendships〉、聖歌等級的〈Grow Till Tall〉與〈Hengilas〉,則沉澱先前狂歡的激情,將肉體與靈魂緩緩剝離,最後達成內心的平和與寧靜。

過去Sigur Rós以猶如天使祝禱般的天籟,為我們洗淨日常生活中的困窘疲憊;當初Jónsi與Alex的雙人組合,創造一個可供樂迷自由想像與發揮的蒼白空間;至於《Go》則是一場華麗絢爛的冒險,緊握Jónsi那雙溫暖的手,貼近他那張精心彩繪的臉,跟著他在綺麗張狂的音符之間追逐嬉鬧,那些偶爾放縱的瘋狂想像,竟然如此輕易地成就一張另類的唱遊經典。

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