Store Date: 2010/1/22
Genre: Country
Label: Capitol Nashville
BUY Lady Antebellum - Need You Now: HERE

1. Need You Now 4:37
2. Our Kind of Love 4:09
3. American Honey 3:44
4. Hello World 5:26
5. Perfect Day 3:21
6. Love This Pain 3:03
7. When You Got a Good Thing 4:57
8. Stars Tonight 4:04
9. If I Knew Then 4:15
10.Something СBout a Woman 3:41
11.Ready to Love Again 2:53

The meteoric rise of Lady Antebellum into Nashville's premier vocal group is the textbook definition of "overnight success". Soon after forming, Lady Antebellum gained quick notice from the Nashville music industry which saw . Their debut album make its debut in 2007 on the album charts at No.4 (No.1 on Country) and today it sits just outside the Top 10 over 2 years and 3 million units later. The sophomore "Need You Now" is anticipated to debut No 1 on the mainstream charts in the USA while The first single from the album and title track has spent 5 weeks at No 1 and is now crossing over to pop radio in the USA.

Chart Update - 3/10/10
Lady Antebellum Returns to No. 1 On Billboard 200!
Lady Antebellum's returns to No. 1 on the albums chart, bumping Sade's "Soldier of Love" down to No. 2, while six albums debut in the top 10 of the tally, the most since last October. After a three-week break at No. 2 on the the chart, Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now" returns to No. 1 with 126,000 (up 6%), marking its third total week atop the list. To read more: CLICK HERE

The meteoric rise of Lady Antebellum into Nashville's premier vocal group is the textbook definition of "overnight success". Soon after forming, Lady Antebellum gained quick notice from the Nashville music industry which saw . Their debut album make its debut in 2007 on the album charts at No.4 (No.1 on Country) and today it sits just outside the Top 10 over 2 years and 3 million units later. The sophomore "Need You Now" is anticipated to debut No 1on the mainstream charts in the USA while The first single from the album and title trackhas spent 5 weeks at No 1 and is now crossing over to pop radio in the USA.

懷舊女郎 Lady Antebellum首張同名專輯
Label Capitol Nashville
Release Date Apr 15, 2008

★ 首張同名專輯大破金唱片,空降美國告示牌鄉村榜冠軍、流行專輯榜冠軍
★ 鄉村音樂權威媒體Country Weekly奉上★★★★好評:「他們的專輯完美捕捉鄉村樂裡的熱情、趣味 、心痛..等各種感受」
★ 2008葛萊美獎最受歡迎新人組合提名榮耀加身、美國鄉村音樂大獎最佳新人組得主
★ 美國鄉村音樂重鎮納許維爾Nashville年度新星,以揉合古典與現代風格重新定義鄉村音樂
★ 收錄熱門鄉村單曲榜Top 3單曲〈Love Don't Live Here〉、Top 11單曲〈Lookin' For A Good Time 〉

01. Love Don't Live Here
02. Lookin' For A Good Time
03. All We'd Ever Need
04. Long Gone
05. I Run To You
06. Love's Lookin' Good On You
07. Home Is Where The Heart Is
08. Things People Say
09. Slow Down Sister
10. Can't Take My Eyes Off You
11. One Day You Will

  2006夏天,三位志同道合的年輕人,憑著一股對音樂的執著,女主唱Hillary Soctt、男主唱Charles Kelley、吉他/鍵盤手Dave Haywood,在美國鄉村音樂重鎮納許維爾Nashville組成了「懷舊女郎Lady Antebellum」。2007三人首次出擊,和新世紀音樂教父Jim Brickman合作的單曲〈Never Alone〉,在美 國告示牌成人抒情榜意外創下佳績,讓初露頭角的三人備受注目,有了好的開始。順利簽入Capitol Records的Lady Antebellum,發行了屬於他們自己的首支單曲〈Love Don't Live Here〉,這首歌很快地 受到各大電台的迴響,在美國告示牌的熱門鄉村單曲榜,創下Top 3的出色表現,隔年推出的單曲 〈Lookin' For A Good Time〉也有Top 11的佳績。Lady Antebellum挾著高人氣發行的《首張同名專輯 Lady Antebellum》,果然不負眾望,首週銷量已高達43000張,空降美國告示牌鄉村榜冠軍,以及流行專 輯榜Top 4,更在極短的時間之內大破金唱片。銷售亮眼的三人,不僅在2008葛萊美頒獎典禮上,榮獲最 受歡迎新人組合的提名,更拿下美國鄉村音樂大獎「最佳新人組Top New Duo or Group Award」的傲人頭

  Lady Antebellum首張同名專輯,找來鄉村樂界傳奇人物Victoria Shaw及Paul Worley擔任製作人, 共同打造帶有1960年代R&B靈魂樂和1970年代的獨特風格的作品,以揉合古典與現代風格重新定義鄉村音 樂。專輯甫推出,鄉村音樂權威媒體Country Weekly奉上四星好評並讚譽:「他們的專輯完美捕捉鄉村樂 裡的熱情、趣味、心痛...等各種感受!」雙主唱在首支單曲〈Love Don't Live Here〉當中,有著無比 默契,在歌聲之間展現彷彿對話般的流暢情緒;率性的口吻來回穿梭,第二支單曲〈Lookin' For A Good Time〉傳遞美好感受,高舉起你的雙手,一起抓住這美好時光吧;當女主唱Hillary Soctt回憶起往事, 男主唱Charles Kelley也一同細數,弦樂堆疊的心碎小品〈All We'd Ever Need〉韻味十足;成功地營造 蓄勢待發的情感,〈I Run To You〉拋下顧忌奔向幸福;可以看見〈Slow Down Sister〉、〈Love's Lookin' Good On You〉全都帶著無限的愛戀,一同在空中瀰漫飛舞;〈Things People Say〉講出真切心 聲,順耳易記的旋律,增添滿滿的情緒層次;〈Can't Take My Eyes Off You〉像是來自昏暗酒吧,點唱 機裡流洩出來的懷念歌曲,有種為愛投降的緩慢。

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