  從當天晚上的錄影來看,Lady Gaga非常疲倦,在唱最後一首《Bad Romance》的時候她已經開始坐在地上了,甚至還躺了一會兒。這已經不是第一次Lady Gaga面臨體力透支的危機了,今年一月的時候她被迫延遲了兩場在美國的演唱會,也是因為同樣的原因。

GaGa's asleep on job
LADY GAGA is without doubt one of the hardest-working women in showbiz. It's no wonder she has to have a lie down every now and then. But halfway through the finale of a major gig might not be the best time for it.

The eccentric singer alarmed fans at her show in Auckland, New Zealand, when she appeared disorientated and unable to dance her way through closing track Bad Romance. Instead of throwing shapes, GaGa slid to the floor and remained on her back for most of the song.Now her "little monsters" are calling for her to take things easy and have been sending messages on Twitter saying things like: "Please rest, GaGa."

In the video clip, above, you can see she looks shattered.筋疲力盡的

It's not a surprise. She has been slogging away non-stop for the past 18 months touring around the world. In the past two weeks alone she has been all over the UK, New York, Australia and New Zealand. She might be GaGa, but she's not superhuman. It's not the first time the singer's busy schedule has got the better of her. She burst into tears before the launch of her UK tour in Manchester and had to postpone US dates after passing out backstage due to exhaustion. I think it's time she had a break.

女神卡卡 演唱會上昏倒


英國「太陽報」(The Sun)報導,女神卡卡日前在紐西蘭的奧克蘭巡迴演會上,勁歌熱舞到一半,突然踩空倒在地板上,觀眾以為她會立刻彈起來繼續唱,沒想到女神卡卡就這麼「躺」完一首歌。





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