Alternative Pop /Rock

Las Vegas-based band The Kilers have had some great success since the release of debut album "Hot Fuss". In 06' they released "Sam's Town" and since has sold over 4 million worldwide. While on the road during the "Sam's Town" tour the band began writing for their upcoming release which is days away from it's offical release. The album will remind you why you fell in love with them in the first place. It's pop perfection with real soul pouring out of every track. They broaden their sound a bit, trying diffrent things even adding a caribbean feel to some of the tracks. The boys can do no wrong and they delivered what could be their best work yet. Check it out and BUY YOUR COPY NOVEMBER 25TH!!

1. Losing Touch
2. Human

I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes
Clear your heart...
Cut the cord

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance,
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye
Wish me well..
You've got to let me go

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know is your heart still beating

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer

You've got to let me know

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human
Or are we dancer?

Are we human?
Or are we dancer?

Are we human
Or are we dancer?

3. Spaceman
4. Joy Ride
5. A Dustland Fairytale
6. This Is Your Life
7. I Can’t Stay
8. Neon Tiger
9. The World We Live In
10. Goodnight, Travel Well
11. A Crippling Blow (Bonus Track)

Brandon Flowers(主唱)Dave Keuning(電吉他手)Mark Stoermer(貝司)Ronnie Vannucci Jr(鼓)

2002,在美國拉斯維加斯成團的The Killers,《Day & Age》是樂隊The Killers即將發行的第三張錄音室專輯,這張專輯由為Keane打造新專輯的製作人Stuart Price製作完成,將於11月25日發行。

One of the most revered and reviled bands in rock and roll return flush with Olympic exposure for their their fourth album and first studio set since 2006's Sam's Town. Day and Age may also be the first bicontinental album in the history of rock and roll, as the band sent demos from their Las Vegas studio to producer Stuart Price in London. Singer Brandon Flowers says that Day and Age is a thematic contiuation from Sam's Town and that "Human," the first single, is a "combination of Johnny Cash and the Pet Shop Boys."

藝人/樂團:The Killers 殺手樂團
專輯名稱:Day & Age 歲月


全英音樂獎「最佳國際團體」、「最佳國際專輯」加冕,七座NME + 一座Q+ 一座世界音樂獎「最暢銷新團」肯定,入圍葛萊美獎多達七次

The Sunday Times五星+The Guardian四星+Uncut四星嘉許閃耀大碟;滾石雜誌推崇:「像是Johnny Cash遇上Pet Shop Boys」的首輪主打“Human”,擊中全美現代搖滾榜TOP6+英國金榜TOP4

流轉華麗的復古樂章、宣洩龐克+電子撞擊的快意律動,一直被誤認為英國樂團的道地美國佬The Killers,憑藉實力及改創的新意,不斷實驗嚐鮮替音樂拓墾出無限可能的夢奇地。四年的爆紅期間,拿下全英音樂獎「最佳國際團體」、「最佳國際專輯」加冕,以及7座NME+1座Q+1座世界音樂獎「最暢銷新團」肯定,多達7次葛萊美獎項入圍,僅靠兩張專輯與一張B-Sides精選,全球開出大破千萬的驚人銷售量,穩坐搖滾超級新人王寶座,更贏得偶像U2主唱Bono公開讚譽!

 主唱/鍵盤手Brandon Flowers、吉他手David Keming、貝斯手Mark Stoermer與鼓手Ronnie Vannucci於2002年正式組織起The Killers,陸續推出『Hot Fuss聲名大噪』以及『Sam’s Town山姆小鎮』兩張大碟,悉數攻上英國+愛爾蘭金榜冠軍,美國也擠入Top10之林,接力五首衝進全美現代搖滾榜前十名作品。The Killers散發無窮的年輕熱情與狂野,快速席捲整個流行音樂區塊。

2007年搜集B-Sides遺珠拱出『Sawdust深藏不露-稀有錄音精選』暖身後,迫不及待發行全新力作【Day & Age歲月】,邀請活躍電子/舞曲領域的Stuart Price(瑪丹娜、關史蒂芬妮、蜜西艾莉特)全盤掌舵。蘊藏如David Bowie那份溫和內斂且極富感染力的調性,籠罩新浪潮合成節拍的稱頭開場“Losing Touch”,找回原始的搖滾感動;閃亮耀眼的首發主打“Human”,翻轉80年代New Wave/Synth-Pop鮮豔歡樂音場,滾石雜誌推崇:「像是Johnny Cash遇上Pet Shop Boys」,率先登上美國現代搖滾榜Top6+英國金榜Top4;蓄勢待發的“Spaceman”,解構濃烈復古色彩和藝術質感,同時不斷向前衛潮流取經,磨擦New Order和The Cure柴薪並燃點出燦爛火花;追逐無與倫比暢快享受的“Joy Ride”,愉悅薩克斯風的輔佐溶解在厚實敲擊之放克線條裡頭;導入非洲部落吟詠合聲的“This Is Your Life”,小鼓和吉他的相互共鳴、不過份的鍵盤/效果器運用,清爽拉出耐聽的世界音樂頻率;瀰漫如臨加勒比海度假勝地之“I Can't Stay”,Brandon十足熱情的嗓音詮釋,分解於吸飽薩克斯風、Acoustic吉他、豎琴、鋼鼓等樂器陪襯音網之中;詭譎迷離的“Goodnight, Travel Well”,鋪陳長達將近七分鐘,體驗The Killers最戲劇化的演出,同時讓各大媒體~The Sunday Times五星滿分:「足以重拾顛峰的最佳傑作」、The Guardian四星:「最異常有趣的專輯」、滾石雜誌三星半:「擁有更為高深的敏銳洞察力,才智煥發的登上高峰。」再一次給予滿天星的榮耀冠冕。

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