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Hard Candy is the eleventh studio album by American singer-songwriter Madonna and will be released on multiple dates towards the end of April 2008,by Warner Bros. Records.

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CrimsonRain.com   MADONNA & JUSTIN - 4 Minutes (CD Version)    此次收錄于新專輯《Hard Candy》中的首支全新單曲《4 Minutes》,是麥當娜首次嘗試與賈斯汀合作,由他們共同創作并合唱的歌曲,所以在《4 Minutes》的單曲封面也是由兩人共同拍攝完成的。對于這次的合作,不僅在音樂上完全給人以耳目一新的感覺,對于樂壇發展和潮流來說也是起到了積極的推動作用,一個是流行樂壇的百變女王,一個是流行小天王,雖說是前輩與后輩的合作,但卻擦出不一樣的的火花。不僅讓兩人的歌迷興奮不已,也值得讓所有喜愛音樂的人期盼著。

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Here is the debut music video for May Doni and a collaboration with Cho PD entitled "Kkeullyeo". People have been calling May Doni the new "Se7en", however I think its way to early to be dubbing her already. However, she does have good vocal skills and the dancing is good but not amazing. I'm actually in love with song right and I suggest you guys give this video a watch. May Doni actually has an older sister named Kim Yeni that is suppose to be debuting as well but don't know when that's happening. If you guys are interested in her older sister type the names on youtube and videos of them singing with pop up. May Doni has already done a couple performances for this song already and her sister (Kim Yeni) is one of her backup dancers. When I find a performance I'll be sure to upload it. I hope you all enjoy this as much I did. [credit:@drarmp1t@z-degrees.net]

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Rihanna will release a new version of her hit 2007 album, Good Girl Gone Bad, on May 27th. The new LP will feature new a single called “Take A Bow(Listen Here) and a video for the Ne-Yo-written track “Hate That I Love You.”

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張靚穎&Andrea Bocelli - One World One Dream

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吳忠明&元若藍 - 心願便利貼 偶像劇《命中注定我愛你》片尾曲

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