Source: Sports Chosun via Naver
by VITALSIGNon May 12, 2011

Dal★shabet透過造型照散發與舞台不同的夢幻魅力,引發矚目。Dal★shabet最近在某網絡時尚雜誌拍攝了一組以『奇怪國度的Dal★shabet』為主題的造型照。當天Dal★shabet成員,在造型 照中身穿能展示自己個性的各種華麗裙裝和牛仔褲以及小飾物,完美化身童話裡面的女主角。特別是當天造型照的形象上被鮮花裝飾,更突顯神秘感覺。

Dal★shabet透過新曲《Pink Rocket》為我們帶來了可愛的魅力舞台。

The ladies of Dal Shabet seem to possess infinite potential for transformation, as they’re not working a futuristic “Pink Rocket” style on stage, but have now attempted a fairy tale-inspired look for their photoshoot with fashion webzine, “Sn@pp”.

The girls recently took part in a “Alice in Wonderland” themed photoshoot titled, “Dal Shabet in Wonderland.” Dolled up in vivid colored leggings and retro accessories, the girls expressed the theme in six unique styles.

Although they’re just rookies, they still managed to impress staff members with the way they upheld a friendly and professional atmosphere on set.


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