沢尻エリカ 2日宣佈已於4/1和艾迴(AVEX)簽約,之後將以日本為活動的中心。她說希望早日以女優的姿態出現,並決意改變想法及努力。最近將會有CM拍攝,之後會找機會參與電影及日劇的工作。而簽約內容並沒有包括離婚這條件。到底女王能否把握這個重生機會?拭目以待!
Source: Oricon
by HPrieston May 2, 2011
Today it was announced that actress Sawajiri Erika officially signed with Avex Entertainment for a business partnership.
They are calling it a partnership, because the actress is still signed to her agency based in Spain, her personal stronghold in order to advance into the global market. Avex will only be responsible for her activities within Japan. The contract was already finalized on April 1st, but it was only made public after the announcement that everything regarding her divorce is off the table.
On her official website she commented, “I think that this partnership will help me, Sawajiri Erika, to broaden my activities (in Japan) with focus on my career as an actress. I will work hard in order to change my attitude and show you myself as an actress again as soon as possible.”
In the official statement of Avex Entertainment, it was mentioned that they formed the partnership with a private company that is representing Sawajiri Erika in Japan, but they didn’t state the company’s name. When further questioned about the company that is managing the actress in Spain, Avex replied that they don’t know any details either, since they only negotiated with that private company mentioned before.
About their contract with Sawajiri in general, they stated, “Recently she already filmed a commercial. We are going to fully support her activities as an actress in movies and dramas, as well as further activities within the entertainment industry.”
Neither side made a comment regarding her divorce or her soon-to-be ex-husband, in general.
- May 08 Sun 2011 21:05
nippon 沢尻エリカ簽約艾迴 Erika Sawajiri officially signs with Avex Entertainment