Source: Korea Economy via Daum
by VITALWARNINGon May 1, 2011
Korea’s beloved figure skating queen, Kim Yuna, is gearing up to challenge herself in her first ever variety show, “Good Sunday – Kim Yuna’s Kiss & Cry” alongside MC Shin Dong Yeop.
The concept of “Kiss & Cry” will essentially surround having participants compete against each other to become ‘The second Kim Yuna‘. Ten celebrities will be joining up with professional skaters to form partners, and through an elimination system, the best skating couple will be chosen to perform at the “Kim Yuna’s Ice Show” in August.
Kim Yuna’s role on the show will be to offer mentorship as well as be part of the judging panel for elimination rounds.
IU-允浩-孫淡妃,金妍兒show 10人名單確定
以“花滑女王”金妍兒命名的綜藝節目“金妍兒的Kiss & Cry”10人藝人出演者名單確定。將于22日初放送的節目“Kiss & Cry”,從韓國代表偶像到體育明星組成了多樣的出演者隊伍,是呈現多樣趣味的綜藝節目。10名明星和專業花滑運動員組隊參加各種比賽,以選出淘汰者。最終獲勝的隊伍將參加8月舉行的“金妍兒的ice show”。
“Kiss & Cry”的出演者有金炳萬、瑜鹵允浩、IU、孫淡妃、Krystal、徐智錫、李雅賢、樸俊琴、短道速滑金牌得主李奎爀、童星演員秦智熙。特別是金妍兒將擔任明星滑冰指導和大會審查委員全程參與節目,因此獲得了很多人的期待。節目將在22日播出。