Source: Nate
by elliefileton April 29, 2011

KARA fans can add more good news to their recent sigh of relief after hearing about the group and DSP Media coming to an agreement. All 5 members came together yesterday for the first time in a month for their album jacket photo shoot in Japan.

A representative stated, “All 5 members are together. The staff who has always been with them is overseeing the photo shoot. Thankfully, the atmosphere is okay. Though there are some difficulties, the members seem like they’ll be able to be harmonious together.”

The members will also be getting together early May to shoot their next music video.

具荷拉與姜智英在日曬店拍照留念,“把自己曬黑了一點”KARA's Hara & Jiyoung go tanning together

Source: JoongAng via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 29, 2011

回歸經紀公司的KARA成員具荷拉和姜智英拍攝了關係親密的照片。4月29日,門戶網站上出現了內容為“在日曬店(Tanning Shop)的荷拉與智英看上去很親密”的帖子和照片。


KARA’s Jiyoung and Hara must have went tanning together, as they were recently spotted together through an uploaded photo by netizens on an internet community board.

In loose fitting sweatshirts, the girls are looking as affectionate as ever together and can be seen posing with victory signs. With added news of the girls finally resolving their disputes yesterday, the picture is only sweeter to fans that have been patiently waiting for their return.

Netizens said, “So glad I can see those cuties like this”, “Smiling so brightly”, and “They look happy.”

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