今月21日に乳がんのため都内の病院で亡くなった人気アイドルグループ・キャンディーズ の元メンバーで女優の田中好子 さん(本名・小達好子 享年55)の通夜が24日、東京・青山葬儀所で営まれ、田中さんと生前親交のあった著名人1600人とファン800人の計2400人が参列。NHK連続テレビ小説『ちゅらさん』に主演し、同番組で田中さんと共演した国仲涼子 (31)は、堪えていた涙を抑え切れず報道陣の前で号泣。4月に入って病気の事を知り、お見舞いにも顔を出したといい「本当にお世話になって、いろんなものをもらってばかりいた。私はなにもしてあげられなかった」と無念の涙を流した。

Source & Photo: Oricon

Video: ANN News channel on YouTube

On April 25th, the funeral for actress Tanaka Yoshiko was held in Tokyo, during which a special message from the star was played. Tanaka had passed away due to breast cancer on April 21st.

Below is the translated message from Yoshiko Tanaka herself to her guests.
Hello, this is Tanaka Yoshiko.  Today is March 29th.  It’s been two weeks since the Great Tohoku Knato Earthquake occurred.  When I think of people who have been sufferd, my heart is in pain as if it would explode.  I offer all the people who passed away  my deepest condolences.

Although I’ve been trying to fight against the illness, I might lose to it.  But I promise that I will try to help the victims from heaven.  I think that’s my duty.

Today, I leave this message since I wanted to thank all of you here.

Thank you so much for taking good care of me ever since I debuted with Candies.  I had really happy life.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Especially to my fellow members Ran-san and  Miki-san – Thank you.  I loved you guys very much.
I wanted to appear in more movies.  I wanted to act more on TV.  I wanted to continue being an actress.

Though I want to continue to tell all of you how thankful I am, I’m running out of breath.

Someday, I will revive like my sister-in-row, Natsume Masako, to repay all of you who have been supporting me, and the society.  Kazu-san (her husband), please take care of it.

Until then, good bye.
(Note: Natsume Masako passed away due to leukemia in 1985, and a cancer organization under her name “Natsume Masako sun flower fund” was established using her inheritance in 1993.)


Many celebrities and  the fans visited her funeral, and sent her with blue ribbons which was her image color during her Candies days.

FR:KiZuNa Fashion♥JP♥
日劇中總是帶著陽光般笑容的好媽媽~田中好子(yoshiko tanaka)~~因為乳癌永遠的離開這個世界!!!戲外她的好人緣和做人成功也讓她的驟逝....讓人感到特別的感傷。其實她已經和病魔纏鬥多年.....真的很殘念和無念!!!



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