Rumours were floating around last week that Lady GaGa was planning to launch the ‘Judas‘ video around the Easter holiday. That probably proved a little too controversial even for GaGa – she’s rumoured to be playing Mary Magdalene in the clip – so the official premiere is now set to take place during American Idol in the first week of May (w/c 2nd May).
And here’s Gaga babbling on about the ‘Judas’ premiere (and various other bits and pieces) during her recent New Jersey gig.
Lady Gaga to perform “Judas” on the Ellen Degeneres show!
Everyone knows that Lady Gaga debuted her first live performance of “Born This Way” on the Grammies, but it seems that Ellen Degeneres is getting the better track’s live performance. The Gaga is supposed to debut her new single “Judas” on The Ellen Degeneres Show. Who else is waiting for more leaks from the album Born This Way?