Source: Sanspo
by bordeauxbowtieon April 17, 2011
タイトルは「いとしき日々よ」(5月4日発売)。「THE CHANGING SAME」などミリオン超えのアルバム2作の音楽プロデューサー、松尾潔氏(43)と10年ぶりにタッグを組み、歌詞を共作。メロディーは平井が担当し、人と人とのかけがえのない絆がテーマのドラマの内容にピッタリな、切なくかつ温かい壮大なバラードを完成させた。
Soulful crooner Hirai Ken (39) will be singing the theme song for TBS drama “JIN”, which premieres today, April 17th.
The theme song, “Itoshiki Hibi Yo”, will go on sale on May 4th and marks the first time in ten years Hirai has collaborated to write lyrics with music producer, Matsuo Kiyoshi (43), who is credited with two million-selling albums, including “THE CHANGING SAME”.
The singer himself took charge of composing the melody of the song, which is a heartwrenching yet warm and epic ballad. “Itoshiki Hibi Yo” perfectly fits “JIN”, whose plot centers around the irreplaceable ties between people.
TBS producer Ishimaru Akihiko expressed his confidence that “When an era is about to change greatly, no one but Hirai can convincingly convey the imminent demise of a generation of people and their way of thinking”. Hirai continued, “the theme is ‘love for an era’. I just hope the message will reach many people if not just one”.
「時代はいつも名曲を求めている。」日本が世界に誇る稀代の美メロウ・シンガー平井堅の甘美な歌声による切なさと心に染みるメロディーが印象的な極上の名バラードと空前のヒットを飛ばすこと間違いなしの最大級のタイアップによるコラボ・シングル。TBS開局60周年記念 日曜劇場『JIN-仁-』主題歌! M-2は、NEXCO中日本イメージソング「Run to you」収録。
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 13:06
nippon 平井堅(34單)、「JIN-仁-」主題歌!強力タッグも Ken Hirai to sing theme song for TBS’s “JIN”