Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 15, 2011

After being discharged from the army last October, Shinhwa’s Eric has officially revealed plans for his comeback as a singer this year!

On April 15th, Top Class Entertainment revealed, “Eric is currently working to release a new mini-album by the second half of 2011. In order to ensure that the album will be as perfect as it can be, he’s making sure to be as thorough as possible right from the start.”

This will be his first return to the stage in nearly three years since his last release with Shinhwa’s ninth album back in 2008.

The representative continued, “The album is still currently in its conceptual stage, but it will be filled with songs that he feels are up to his standards. The album is a special present for fans who have awaited his return.”

元祖偶像組合神話李珉宇 "想起了1998年的今天" ~慶祝神話13周年.



對此,看到李珉宇個人主頁的眾多粉絲和網友們紛紛留言,"已經過去13年了,追著你們跑的記憶到現在還很鮮活,不過我今年要結婚了!!","真得很感謝你 們一起堅持到最後,以神話活動的時候那樣打架,還以為很快就會解散的呢…呵呵","因為哥哥們當時的事故鬱悶的粉絲們!即使這樣也因為自己是你們的粉絲感 到幸福","祝賀~~成員們都退伍的話會發專輯的吧",大家對神話表示了祝福. 接下來,玟雨對粉絲表示了感謝,"直到現在還愛著我們,相信以後也會為我們一直加油的粉絲~<神話創造>,今天是我們共同的日子,彼此心懷著 無比感謝…一起慶祝吧!今天是見成員的日子^ ^我也會懷著感謝的心情慶祝這個日子,今天的橙色一定要更多更多更多!!想你們~~13歲的神話和橙色公主的生日這天…(生存報告結束!!)",讓粉絲們 無比窩心. "比實戰還要辛苦的彩排…生平第一次看到的攝影機的紅色燈光…淩晨還睡不著的大家激動的心情…那時的記憶直到現在還那麼鮮明",玟雨回想起出道當時生動的新人時節. 3月24日下午,神話成員李玟雨在自己的個人主頁上發表文章:"1998年的今天,那時開始記憶到現在還在持續~只因為是神話". 第一代偶像始祖神話(Eric, 珉宇, 彗星, 東烷, Junjin, Andy)不知不覺迎來了他們出道的13周年.

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