Source: Star News via Naver
by VITALSIGNon April 12, 2011

SNSD will be making their official comeback in Korea this September!

According to information revealed by industry representatives on April 13th, the girls are currently recording for their next Korean album, which is rumored for release this September. This will mark almost a year since SNSD unleashed “Hoot” back in October of 2010.

Representatives of SM Entertainment confirmed, “There is a high chance that SNSD will be making a Korean comeback in the second half of 2011. Whether it’s for this September has yet to be confirmed.”

SNSD will be focusing on their Japanese promotions from May through July.


去年憑借迷你專輯《Hoot》橫掃韓國各大歌曲排行榜的女子組合少女時代最近收到了經紀公司為她們准備的“驚喜禮物”。少女時代的經紀公司SM娛樂租借了京畿道的一處場地,將其裝扮成“專用夜總會”,供9名成員痛快地玩兩天。裡面和其他夜總會一樣備有酒和下酒菜,成員們在沒有經紀人和保鏢的陪伴下,度過了 “愉快的夜晚”。



旗下有2PM、Wonder Girls、Miss A等偶像組合的JYP,最近為成功完成在韓國活動的Miss A的中國成員王霏霏、孟佳放了兩周的“特別探親假”。JYP有關人士說:“面對意想不到的禮物,孩子們高興得流下了眼淚。收到‘驚喜禮物’後,士氣大漲。”

經紀公司代表贈送的“驚喜小禮物”也經常打動偶像們。JYP娛樂老闆朴鎮英在從美國出差回來時突然來到錄音室,給偶像們每人帶來一瓶維生素,並囑咐他們一 定要注意健康,令他們感動不已。SM有關人士說:“出場費高達數千萬韓元的偶像們,有一次李秀滿總裁去美國出差時為他們買了10多萬韓元的牛仔褲,讓他們 下次上臺表演時穿,這也讓孩子們格外高興。”

此外,允許旗下藝人進行個人活動也是有效的“胡蘿蔔”和“鞭策”。據悉,旗下擁有BigBang、2NE1等偶像組合的YG娛樂經常使用這招。業內人士介 紹說:“BigBang最具代表性。看到一個成員在個人活動中獲得極高人氣,其他成員也為了獲得個人活動的機會進行更嚴格的自我管理。”

這種手段對夢想成為明星的練習生也有效。JYP每月舉行的公司內部評測和試聽會是將練習生推向殘酷競爭的一種“鞭策”。但如果氣氛過於緊張,公司就會為他 們安排滑雪和激流皮划艇等戶外集體活動,以緩解氛圍。SM經常為旗下練習生安排與東方神起等偶像明星會餐的機會,以此激勵練習生。

SNSD’s Seohyun displays a doll-like pose with her guitar

Source: TV Daily via Nate
by phenomon April 11, 2011

SNSD’s maknae (youngest) Seohyun has recently made some internet buzz with her doll-like beauty.

On April 11th, a picture of Seohyun holding a guitar was uploaded onto various online community bulletins, catching the attention of many netizens. They admired her goddess pose, which reminded them of her days on MBC’s “We Got Married“.

In the picture, Seohyun is wearing a grey hooded shirt and jeans – displaying a modest, model student look. She is also showing her pure charms as she stared straight into the camera with her pink guitar in hand. Her plump cheeks, which epitomizes her ‘baby face’ label, is also drawing envy from female fans.

Netizens praised, “A goddess has descended upon us”, “I want to become that guitar”, “What do you eat to be so pretty?”, and “I was envious because you were so pretty on ‘We Got Married’.”

SNSD releases ‘Run Devil Run’ Japanese version MV

by Casperon April 9, 2011

Having teased SOnes all over the world yesterday, the full Japanese PV of SNSD’s “Run Devil Run” has finally been revealed through Japan’s SPACE SHOWER TV on April 9th.

Just like the Korean MV, this new version has the girls decked out in familar black and white outfits, but adding more elaborate and powerful dance moves and also improving the overall quality with better scenes and new haircuts for some girls.

Stay tuned for more on the girls with their “Mr. Taxi” single, set to be released later this month on the 27th. All proceeds will go towards helping victims of the recent natural disasters in Japan.

SNSD releases a new CF for Daum!

by CMon April 8, 2011

Daum – the Korean search engine – has recently released a new CF featuring none other than SNSD!

In the CF, the girls transform into interrogators, but they each go about it in a different way, ranging from tough talk to begging and pleading.

Additionally, you can check out a behind-the-scenes video from the CF as well.

Check out both videos below!


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