Source: Everyday Economy via Naver
by VITALSIGNon April 12, 2011

On April 13th, new girl group ‘A Pink‘ released their highly-anticipated music video teaser for their debut album, “Seven Springs of A Pink“!

Done under the concept of ’spring ladies’, the seven members expressed the different charms of the Spring season and emphasized their innocent beauty.

With a mysterious narration and an ethereal melody line, K-Pop fans are already looking forward to more from Cube’s new family members.

Check it out below!

A PINK’s album cover for ‘Seven Springs of A PINK’ unveiled

Source: Newsen via Nate
by ramham424on April 11, 2011

On April 12th, 7-member girl group A PINK revealed the concept for their debut album, “Seven Springs of A PINK“, through their official homepage.

The girls have already drawn a lot of attention for their innocent beauty, and it’s being highlighted in this new picture. ’Seven Springs of A PINK’ is expected to shake up the hearts of men with the girls’ clean and spring-appropriate looks.

A PINK has also generated buzz for being rising CF stars; they’ve been picked to endorse a jewelry brand as well as a beverage brand before they’ve even officially debut.

According to A CUBE Entertainment, A PINK will reveal their teaser for ‘Seven Springs of A PINK’ on April 13th, so stay tuned!

‘A Pink’ lands two top tier CF deals with “Cottiny” and “Ceylon Tea”

Source: Chosun, E Daily via Naver
by VITALSIGNon April 10, 2011

A Pink,出道前成為上億韓元廣告模特
還未出道的7人女組合A Pink被選為上億韓元廣告的模特,11日經紀公司A Cube宣佈了這一消息。

平均18歲、以“仙女dol”正在受到關注的A Pink和飲料品牌실론티(Ceylon Tea)簽署了期限6個月代言費上億韓元的廣告合同,並完成了拍攝。11日開始播出的Ceylon Tea廣告是3月末A pink和紫雨林主唱金潤兒一起在濟州島以“夢想的對話”為主題拍攝的。

擁有清純可愛形象的A Pink雖然沒有出道,但是繼珠寶品牌Cottiny之後又接到了廣告合同,在廣告市場上提高了股價。經紀公司表示:“因為A Pink成員們純淨的形象,獲得了廣告界的很多love call。”

A Pink出道前官方cafe開放一周已經有3000多名會員加入,獲得了爆發性的期待感的A Pink將於4月末正式出道。A Pink計畫12日在官方網站公開封面照片為開端,依次展示首張專輯的概念。

Despite having yet to debut, upcoming girl group ‘A Pink‘ are already landing themselves CFs deal apparently worth hundreds of millions of won.
The girls have been nicknamed ‘Elf Idols’, and the image has helped them in garnering contracts, like with jewelry brand “Cottiny“, and beverage brand “Ceylon Tea“.

A Cube Entertainment revealed that the girls were contracted for six months and will be receiving top tier pay for their work as advertisement models.

Last month, the girls headed for Jeju Island with Jaurim’s vocalist, Kim Yuna, to film their “Conversations of Dreams” CF, which will be released on April 11th.

Representatives stated, “Because of the A Pink members’ pure images, we’ve been receiving a lot of love calls from the advertising industry.”

On April 12th, the girls will be releasing their main album jacket photo, followed by concept teasers in preparation for their official debut.

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