Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGNon April 5, 2011

The National Tax Service has begun a tax investigation on idol singers and universities after receiving complaints that idol performance fees for university festivals have skyrocketed as of late.
According to information revealed by CBS and No Cut News on April 5th, the National Tax Service began investigations on March 15th by asking universities to fill out a form detailing, from 2008 to 2010, which celebrities they had invited, how much they were paid and withholding tax, whether a contract was used, how they were invited, and other related information.

One university representative claimed that they speculated tax evasion on the celebrity’s end to be the cause, as festivals are usually paid for in cash without material evidence.

CBS reported that in 2010, the following idol groups received an average payment of:

Big Bang – $45,000 USD
2NE1/SNSD – $25,000 USD++
2PM – $25,000 USD
B2ST – $17,000 USD
KARA/T-ara – $16,000 USD
SECRET – $14,000 USD

The numbers are alarming in that most of the payments were within the thousands, rarely ever exceeding $10,000 USD, a couple years ago.

The topic of overpaying celebrities has been a hot debate for a while now, with many of the belief that the money should instead be invested in facilities for the students.  While a guideline is needed, the National Tax Service has no right to block or bring down the worth of a star in the market.

SOLO歌手VS偶像組合 4月歌壇爭霸誰與爭鋒


即將在4月回歸的女子組合4minute、Rainbow、Dal★shabet以及Girl's Day,Orange Caramel等組合將掀起一陣女團大爭鬥,而這些組合和SOLO歌手的對決將更加引人關注。另外不止女歌手們,最近回歸的U-KISS,CNBLUE, 以及正在活動中的MBLAQ,BigBang,東方神起等等,都是強有力的競爭者。

首先回歸的Orange Caramel以及在與《我是歌手》競爭中都未輸氣勢的Girl's Day,十分令人期待的4minute將先進行一番對決。Girl's Day擁有中毒性的動作深深吸引了大眾,而引起了一番論爭的Orange Caramel的新歌也很快的佔領了排行榜的前列,女子組合將在4月掀起一番狂潮已成必然。4minute、Rainbow、Dal★shabet的回 歸,加上正在活動的U-KISS,CNBLUE,MBLAQ,BigBang以及帝國之子等等組合的存在也更加讓南韓歌壇成為了組合的天下,給SOLO歌 手帶來了不小的壓力。

而時隔4年回歸的歌手洋蔥,以及金泰宇、徐仁國等歌手也將加入到4月的戰爭中來,他們的歌曲也在排行榜中佔有不錯的排名,成為了SOLO歌手的主力軍。之後還有Tony An,Ne;MO,Jung In以及人氣急速上升的K.will蓄勢待發,雖然他們的表演比起偶像組合來說相差不少,但是唱功卻有著不小的優勢,另外著名詞曲作家以及製作人的參與也讓他們的歌曲有著不錯的質感,這也是SOLO歌手與偶像組合競爭的一大利器。加上最近《我是歌手》創造的由「看歌曲」到「聽歌曲」的新趨勢,相信4月歌手們的對決將給大眾帶來視覺和聽覺的雙重享受。


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