Source: f(x)’s Official Website

by Kingpoloon April 7, 2011

f(x)即將回歸,而近期公開的宣傳照片吸引了眾多粉絲的目光。 8日公開的照片中,成員Amber以一頭金發登場,顯得比以往更加帥氣,而一身牛仔服造型也彰顯了她本人的獨特魅力。Amber前期因腳踝受傷而前往美國接受治療,這次重返大眾視線讓不少粉絲期待不已。


Yesterday, SM Entertainment made a surprise announcement regarding f(x)’s upcoming return to the music scene.

It started with the release of a beautiful photo teaser from Krystal. The company stated that from April 7th to the 11th, the photo rotator on f(x)’s official website would be updated each day.

The 2nd official teaser reveals fellow member Amber, who’s finally stepped back into the spotlight after disappearing for months. Dressed to impress, she wore an eye-catching blue outfit, while rocking some funky footwear.

f(x)’s first studio album, ‘Pinocchio‘,  is currently set be released on April 20th, followed up with full-fledged promotions.

Stay tuned to allkpop for further updates regarding f(x)’s return!

f(x)'s Krystal unveils comeback teaser photo!

Source: Asia Entertainment, MyDaily via Nate, Newsen

by Kingpoloon April 6, 2011

女子組合f(x)終將回歸。 組合f(x)首張正規專輯《PINOCCHIO》將在20日正式發售並回歸歌壇,令全亞洲的粉絲都十分關注。該專輯是2009年9月出道的f(x)的首張正規專輯,也是繼《NU ABO》之後時隔一年發表的新專輯,讓久等了的粉絲非常期待。特別是f(x)從出道曲《LA chA TA》到《Chu~》、《NU ABO》每一首歌都十分有特點,打造了只屬於f(x)的風格也得到了粉絲的認可,本次專輯也更加強調了f(x)五名成員的個性和魅力,嶄新的音樂風格,幹練的表演無疑令人們對她們的期待值上升。

另外,7日-11日的5天時間裡,f(x)會透過官網向大家陸續公布每個成員的預熱照片,而該組照片也是配合新專輯主題,在色感上越發神秘,引發人們的好奇,得到眾多矚目。今天首次公開的預熱形象的主角正是Krystal,高雅冷傲的眼神和表情,緊緊抓住人們的視線。另外,f(x)在宣傳完《NU ABO》後,成員們分別忙於拍攝情景劇、音樂劇、擔當MC、綜藝節目等,展示多樣才能。

The wait is nearing its end – talented girl group f(x) will soon be making their highly-anticipated comeback!

f(x)’s first studio album is titled “Pinocchio,” and it’s scheduled to drop on April 20th. The release will be followed by full-fledged promotional activities, which will begin promptly after the album gets distributed.

The group’s official website was also updated with a teaser photo featuring member Krystal. From April 7th to the 11th, the official website will be updated every day with a rotating teaser photo of each member.

Fans were also put into a state of relief as it meant that Amber will finally be rejoining f(x) for activities after a long hiatus.

SM Entertainment stated, “Amber will be joining f(x) for their upcoming album release, and will take part in all group activities. She will show off her stylish talent, and is determined to show off a brand new side.”

Be sure to check back with allkpop for your f(x) updates!

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