Source: Sanspo
by Kankion April 2, 2011
On April 2nd, AKB48’s Miyazawa Sae (20) participated in the early voting process in Shibuya to elect Tokyo’s governor. The general election begins on April 10th.
This is the first time Miyazawa has voted, when asked about the recent disaster in Japan she commented, “I’ve been looking for ways to make the victims of the Great Tohoku Earthquake feel better. I want to send them smiles, whether it’s through a TV screen or actually being there in person”.
Miyazawa also called upon others to vote, “Please vote THIS time. Just from your one vote, we can change Japan”. She was then asked whether or not the other AKB members will be voting as well and she answered, “They’re going!”.
AKB48 will be having their own election soon, the “3rd AKB48 Senbatsu General Election”. Miyazawa commented, “Any rank is fine. But I would be really glad if I could be in the best ten”.