by GhostWriteron April 1, 2011
Wonder Girls抵港 亞洲群星獻愛心
一呼百應,除本地數百藝人參與外,來自日本的中村雅俊、千昌夫、AKB48成員、南韓的Wonder Girls、權相佑、台灣的伍思凱等地藝人亦專誠來港支持。
2011年4月1日 香港演藝界發起今晚於維園舉行《愛心無國界311燭光晚會》,為日本東北大地震災民送暖及籌募善款。一呼百應,除本地數百藝人參與外,來自日本的中村雅俊、千昌夫、AKB48成員、南韓的Wonder Girls、權相佑、台灣的伍思凱等地藝人亦專誠來港支持,中村雅俊昨晚抵港時,對香港人的關懷深受感動,他慨嘆宮城家鄉已完了,有當地的朋友仍聯絡不上。
南韓人氣女子組合Wonder Girls亦於昨日抵港,機場未有fans接機,但有些旅客認出她們。至於AKB48會派3名成員前田亞美、梅田彩佳及松井鈺子來港出席,南韓星權相佑亦會稍後抵港。
燭光晚於7:05至10:05舉行,昨日其中4名司儀曾志偉、張艾嘉、陳美齡、鄭裕玲對稿,志偉:現場設有150條捐款熱線,140條廣東話(電話:1833288),10條日文(電話:1833123)。藝人方面,韓國型男權相佑會來港出席;而近藤真彥、Lionel Richie等人,還有陳慧琳已拍下錄影帶幫災民打氣;出席的香港藝人有劉德華、林子祥、楊千?、容祖兒、方大同、關淑儀、蔡卓妍等,晚會主要一齊分享片段和故事,將信息帶給大家,唱歌部分不多,亦不會藝人單獨表演。
Yesterday, we reported that JYP (J.Y. Park) and the Wonder Girls were representing Korea at a charity event sponsored by Jackie Chan with a performance of ‘Smile Again’ which was introduced back for the I Love Asia Project in 2008. Well, the heartwarming performance was recently uploaded to YouTube.
Chan’s event, ‘Artistes 311 Love Beyond Borders’ is an Asian charity event to help victims of the Japanese earthquake. The event was held on April 1st at 7pm at the Victoria Park in Hong Kong, China. As a marathon concert featuring Asia’s top stars, all of the proceeds will go to Japan relief.
30 star teams from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia , Korea, and Japan attended the event.
Check out the performance below!
JYP, Wonder Girls to participate in charity concert for Japan
Source: Newsen
by 1takekkon March 31, 2011
JYP and the Wonder Girls are representing Korea at a charity event sponsored by Jackie Chan.
Chan’s event ‘Artistes 311 Love Beyond Borders’ is an Asian charity event to help victims of the Japanese earthquake. The event is scheduled to be held on April 1st at 7pm at the Victoria Park. As a marathon concert featuring Asia’s top stars, all of the proceeds will go to Japan relief.
30 star teams from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia , Korea, and Japan are expected to attend the event; JYP and Wonder Girls will join China’s top class artists including Jackie Chan.
JYP and the Wonder Girls were personally invited by Jackie Chan; the Korean stars will be performing ‘Smile Again’ that they introduced back for the I Love Asia Project in 2008.
A JYP Entertainment staff member stated, “Jackie Chan joined us for the ‘I Love Asia’ event for earthquake victims in Sichuan in 2008… we decided to take part in the event to express our sorrow for everyone effected by the earthquake in Japan.”
Both JYP and Wonder Girls left for Hong Kong on the evening of 31st.