八大電視台耗資三百萬美金打造的年度偶像劇『華麗的挑戰』,於3月31日舉辦開鏡記者會。記者會上包括日方『華麗的挑戰』原著漫畫代表、韓方 Super Junior(簡稱SJ)經紀公司S.M. Entertainment金社長、製作人鈕承澤等均出席,記者會大廳外更是塞滿SJ粉絲,應援橫幅布條玲瓏滿目。
『華麗的挑戰』中,崔始源擔任第一男主角『敦賀蓮』,第二度飾演明星,他說這次的角色與以往不同更為穩重,開始拍攝進入角色之後自然會展現其差異 性,同時還用中文說:『我感覺台灣的女生都很漂亮』,並感謝所有親切的台灣工作人員們。李東海的角色也讓他備感壓力,因為他一向的形象跟個性都是溫柔、親 切、可愛的,但所飾演的『不破尚』卻是陰冷、自以為是,有點壞男人的調調,不過他不擔心因為劇情或是角色設定被觀眾討厭,因為能讓觀眾投入劇情就代表他演 出成功。問到兩位女演員對始源、東海的印象,陳意涵說前天有一起用餐,兩個人超乎想像的親切跟幽默,白白說真的就像電視一樣帥,但又有很多很像小朋友、很 可愛的地方,未來的合作一定會很開心,也會努力學些韓文跟他們一樣努力!
SJ成員目前正在台灣long stay中,想必亞洲天團魅力2011年將繼續在台灣延燒!
Source: TV Daily via Nate
Since Super Junior’s Siwon and Donghae were cast to play leading roles for a Taiwanese drama, “Extravagent Challenge“, late last year, they recently attended the drama’s production announcement conference, which was held in Taiwan on March 31st. Their female co-stars, Bianca Bai and Ivy Chen, were also in attendance.
Around 100 fans and reporters swarmed to the scene to catch a glimpse of the actor-idols, and they showed immense curiosity toward whether or not the gentlemen would be partaking in any kiss scenes. The drama’s producer, Niu Cheng Ze, clarified, “After announcing Siwon and Donghae’s casting for this drama, a lot of fans shared their varied opinions on my personal blog. Some are in favor of having kiss scenes, while others aren’t. After observing the opinions, there were a greater percentage of people who wanted to see some kiss scenes. We’re considering filming a male-male kiss scene.”
In response, Siwon added, “To tell you the truth, Donghae and I are currently practicing every night.” Donghae instantaneously blurted, “This is nonsense,” causing everyone at the scene to chuckle.
Siwon and Donghae are planning to stay in Taiwan for two months due to the filming.
- Apr 02 Sat 2011 02:37
TAIWAN 華麗挑戰開鏡 始源東海男男吻戲不像話 Super Junior's Siwon and Donghae will be filming a male-male kiss scene?!