Source & Image: Oricon
by Shisoon March 23, 2011
木村佳乃 、成宮寛貴 、佐々木希 らが所属する芸能事務所トップコートが、東日本大震災の復興支援として義援金口座を開設、4月2日(土)午後1時より東京・恵比寿ガーデンホールでチャリティ握手会『心はひとつ』を行う。
当日は木村、成宮、佐々木のほかに大東俊介 、杏ら11組13名が参加。午後1時から6時まで5時間、募金箱を設置して募金者には握手、タレントグッズを販売し、「心はひとつ基金」として日本赤十字社を経由して義援金が送られる。
普通:6908083(受付期間4月30日まで ※延期の場合もあり)
Entertainment agency, Topcoat which hosts famous celebrities such as Kimura Yoshino, Narimiya Hiroki, and Sasaki Nozomi, has opened a disaster relief account. Along with this, they will hold a charity handshake event “Kokoro wa Hitotsu” at Ebisu Garden Hall on April 2nd.
Topcoat was going to hold their 15th anniversary event “Topcoat Collection” on April 1st and 2nd, however, because of Kimura Yoshino’s suggestion, they quickly changed it to a charity handshake event. Kimura commented, “We have decided to change our 15th year anniversary event to a charity event.
We will donate everything from the fund-raising at the event. It’s time for us, entertainers, to take action. Let’s give courage and cheers to the fans who have been supporting us!” Starting on the 24th at noon, the video messages from the talents of Topcoat, will start distributing on their official site.
For the charity handshake event, a total of 13 talents including Kimura, Narimiya, Sasaki, Daito Shunsuke, Anne will be participating. The event will start at 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and they will set up the box for fund-raising. People who donate money, they get to handshake with the talents, and there will also be the talents’ goods on sale.
The donation will be made through the Japan Red Cross Society.
- Mar 26 Sat 2011 10:31
nippon 木村佳乃、成宮寛貴らトップコート所属タレントがチャリティ握手会開催 Entertainment agency Topcoat to hold charity handshake event