フレンズ/ Happiness
話題のガールズパフォーマンスグループHappinessのセカンドシングル! EXILEが認めるダンスの実力!!のガールズパフォーマンスグループ7人組! デビューシングル「Kiss Me」に引き続き、松尾潔プロデュースによる友情SONG! 卒業や入学、出会いと別れの季節にぴったりの楽曲。カップリングには、配信限定楽曲だったJR東海"トーキョー☆ブックマーク"CMソングを収録。プロデュースは西野カナなどを手がけるGIORGIO CANCEMI! 初回限定盤のDVDには、「フレンズ」のミュージックビデオを収録。
Catalog No. UMCK-9425
Label/Distributor Universal Music
Release Date 2011/04/27
Source: Official website
by Sujinon March 24, 2011
They may have released their major debut single “Kiss Me” in February, but Happiness is anything but new to the music scene. Sister unit to R&B group, EXILE, they were all background dancers for the boys as well.
Happiness has announced that they’ll be dropping their second major single, “Friends“, on April 27th. It will be the theme song for the “Tokyo Bookmark” CM.
The limited edition will include a bonus DVD, which holds the title track’s music video. Both limited and normal editions will come with two tracks.
< Track List >
1. Friends
2. One more time
[ DVD ]
1. Friends -music video-
Also, if you haven’t checked out their debut single yet, peep its video below!
- Mar 26 Sat 2011 10:00
UMG Neuheiten nippon EXILE所屬事務所LDH 6人女子組合ハピネス2單4月27日上市 Happiness announces their 2nd single, “Friends”