Source: Newsen via Nate
by heartfaceeon March 22, 2011

黃靜茵新照性感撩人 稱最崇敬李順載-鄭寶石

演員黃靜茵大秀性感撩人姿態。 黃靜茵在時尚雜誌《Cosmopolitan》的造型照中,展示了她附有彈性的身材和誘惑魅力。她在MBC TV新電視劇中飾演強悍的女主角,重新回到觀眾視線中。在拍攝造型照後進行的採訪中,她表示:『能同尹汝貞、鄭寶石等優秀的前輩一同演戲,讓我覺得很踏實。這次的作品中飾演的主角不僅讓人感動還很搞笑,而且其他人也都個性鮮明非常有趣』。


Giant” star Hwang Jung Eum is returning as an energetic character for the new series, “Can You Hear My Heart?

In a recent photoshoot with Cosmopolitan magazine, she revealed some interesting facts about herself during the interview. When discussing her new project, the star confessed, “I am overwhelmed since I have the female lead, but being with Jung Bo Seok and the other sunbaes makes me feel better.”

She continued, “This show is comical, and also shows the stories of a lot of secondary characters. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

The reporter then asked the Hwang Jung Eum about which actor inspired her, to which she replied, Lee Soon Jae sunbae always comes to set 30 minutes early. It is amazing. He is a perfectionist. Whatever role he is in, he transforms into the character.”

She concluded, “10 years later, I want to be an actress that people acknowledge. I want to be that actress people take another look at. “

You can check out more details in the April issue of ‘Cosmopolitan’.

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