Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by ramham424on March 22, 2011

演員朴信惠為雜誌《Elle Girl》拍攝時尚照片,雪白肌膚和精致的五官吸引了人們的關注。本次的照片中朴信惠以短款燙發出鏡,突顯了可愛一面。雪白的肌膚搭配橙,紅,桃紅等各種色彩繽紛的口紅更加襯託出她的精靈可愛。

在之後的採訪中朴信惠透露:「我認為表演和音樂密不可分,為了更好的投入演技我會聽音樂,好的音樂能夠激發好的演技」表達了自己對於音樂的熱情。之 後她還公布了獨家美容秘方,那就是「明亮的笑容,積極向上的想法,以及有規律和勤奮的生活」。樸信惠可愛風格時尚照片和訪談實錄將刊登在《Elle Girl》4月號中。

Park Shin Hye was dressed up to look like a doll for her latest photoshoot with ‘ELLE Girl‘! With her long eyelashes, pink cheeks, and perfectly pouty mouth, the actress stunned everyone who viewed her shots.

The actress sported 6 different makeup looks for lips that the magazine believed would be this season’s hottest trend. The photoshoot lasted for over 5 hours, but the star did not lose her smile throughout filming.

In an interview, the star revealed the secret to her beauty, saying, “Consistent workouts and drinking water, as well as precise cleansing [of my face] and natural makeup are the secrets to my beauty“.

Park Shin Hye’s photoshoot for ‘ELLE Girl’ will be released through the magazine’s April edition. Meanwhile, the actress is currently busy preparing for her new MBC drama “Festival“, where she’ll play opposite to Jung Yong Hwa.

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