另一方面, f(x)現在正在準備新專輯. 在拍攝現場進行的採訪中, f(x)各成員坦誠了各自的夢想和人生觀. 組合f(x)為時尚雜誌< Marie Claire>4月號拍攝畫報,挑戰男性硬朗風格,穿上設計簡單的白襯衫配上強烈風格的黑色夾克, 包括隊長維多利亞在內的f(x)成員完美演繹經典的黑與白風格,一改明朗可愛少女風,散髮時尚熟女魅力.特別是各成員的魅惑眼神和表情令現場工作人員感到 驚豔. 女子偶像團體f(x)嶄新風格畫報公開,一改往日清純可愛形象,散髮成熟女性美.

by ramham424on March 22, 2011
All five members of  f(x) are back! The ladies were featured on the latest edition of ‘Marie Claire‘, and one member revealed a complete makeover that had fans reeling.

The girls showed off their chic looks in classic black and white outfits, which seemed to be inspired by the ever-so-popular ‘office look’. The idols’ charismatic poses perfectly conveyed their individual charms.

Amber’s dramatic transformation was heralded by her fierce platinum-blonde hair. Sulli, Luna and Krystal became a little more mature with their style, while Victoria worked her delicate beauty like a pro.

The full photoshoot and accompanying interview are revealed in the April edition of ‘Marie Claire,’ so make sure you get your own copy!


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