Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 21, 2011

4minute在時尚雜誌《Elle Girl》中變身為春天的少女。這段期間,將主要精力放在日本和東南亞發展的4minute,久未在國內活動,她們懷著激動的心情拍攝了這組造型照。這組照片中,4minute散發了與舞台上強烈魅力不同的女性美。她們身穿米色系的衣服,擺著略顯羞怯的表情和POSE。

4minute拍攝後,在接受採訪時說:『為於為我們的音樂而歡呼的海外粉絲,我們對他們的樣子很好奇,也很感動。我們好像積累了很多經驗』。『如 果過一段時間,我們五人如果能毫無愧對藝術家這個稱號就好了』。4minute散發魅力的造型照和採訪內容將在《Elle Girl》第四期見面。

The ladies of 4minute are ready to usher in the spring season, as they recently shed their sassy looks for something softer for their latest photoshoot with “Elle Girl.”

Through the accompanying interview, the members revealed their thoughts on their goals for their upcoming album release. Jiyoon stated, “Through our overseas activities, we learned a lot of things, such as time management and stage experience.” Maknae Sohyun added, “With our upcoming album, we hope to show 100% of everything our five members couldn’t show before to our Korean fans.”

Leader Jihyun concluded, “When time passes, we that all five of us will live up to the title of ‘artist’ without embarrassment.”

Check out their full photoshoot through the April edition of “Elle Girl”!


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