by GhostWriteron March 9, 2011
INFINITE的新專輯封面照公開。這次公開的INFINITE新專輯封面照中,7名成員經過精心準備後終於撩開神秘面紗,以羅曼蒂克的面貌展現在大眾面前,引起大家注意。尤其是成員 統一的黑色風格配以個性的色彩,強調自由奔放的魅力。另外這段期間常以強悍魅力征服粉絲的INFINITE,這次則是以明朗燦爛的健康形象示人。看到照片 的網友表示:『真是可愛的模樣~』『快點發售新專輯就好了~』『我的心裡入住了7名男生~』
另外,INFINITE的新專輯除了主打歌《Nothing's over》共收錄了3首歌,預計將在17日公開。
After releasing concept photos from their album jacket earlier in the week, the video teaser for INFINITE’s upcoming title track, “Nothing’s Over” has been uploaded to Woollim Entertainment’s official Youtube channel.
The official date for their comeback is on March 17th but in the mean time you can check out the video teaser below!