Source: DongA
by VITALSIGNon March 7, 2011
In a recent interview with DongA News, the members of Big Bang revealed the traits of their ideal women. Although each of them looked for different things, they all agreed that they were looking for a woman who understood them.
Daesung revealed, “I want a woman who likes me and is understanding of my career. I’d like to be able to lean on her for support, and whether she’s older or younger than me, I’d like for her to be able to console me and give me strength when we’re together.” When asked to choose a physical trait, he replied, “A woman that looks beautiful when she smiles.”
Taeyang stated, “Someone who is on the same page as me. She needs to be understanding of me and the way I live my life, as well as be wise so I can learn from her. I’d like for her to stimulate me in a way that makes me want to work even harder. Ever since I was little, I’ve liked women with Western features.”
G-Dragon expressed, “It’s important that I feel comfortable around her. In the past, I used to have a detailed vision of what my ideal woman would be like; for example, ’someone with short hair and a tomboyish style’. But these days, it’s just someone who I’m comfortable with and doesn’t act fake around me.”
T.O.P revealed that he did not have a specific ideal woman, just as long as she can “match herself to him.” He elaborated, “I’d like someone realistic who can direct me to good paths; someone who I can learn from. She needs to be mannerly and respectful towards the adults.” T.O.P added that he would like to marry late as well.
Seungri concluded, “A woman with a cute phone voice and a lot of aegyo. I honestly do look a lot at physical appearance.” When asked to choose a specific girl group member that was the closest to his ideal woman, he chose After School’s UEE. ”I didn’t really notice in the past, but working with her on broadcast programs made me realize how beautiful she is. But for now, it’s not anything possible.”
正如字面意思“大爆炸(Big bang)”一樣,偶像組合Big bang震撼了大眾文化界。上個月末新專輯《Tonight》開始發售,時隔2年3個月再回到歌曲界的他們正在刷新著各種記錄。專輯發行僅一周就賣出了 10萬多張,共6首收錄曲都占據著各個排行榜的前十位。
海外的反應也是大爆發。在美國、加拿大、澳洲、芬蘭等世界各國的綜合排行榜中都進 入了“Top 10”。特別是在美國的Billboard排行榜中統計新人級歌手的專輯的Heatseekers Albums排行榜中榮登第7位。國內的歌手在美國還沒有正式出道就能進入Billboard排行榜的尚屬首例。3月4日下午,在首爾YG娛樂的辦公室見 面的五個成員“(進入Billboard等排行榜)我們的音樂走向了世界,我們會帶著壓力更加努力的做出好的音樂來(太陽)”。
G-Dragon親自參與指導了此次唱片的作詞、作曲和錄製工作。脫離了以電子音樂為主的現存的偶像音樂,融入了更深層次的 模擬的感性的因素。“音樂雖然是現代音樂,但是想在其中融合更多模擬的感性的東西,所以很費心。想通過這張專輯完成由偶像歌手向音樂人轉型的過程”。(G-Dragon)
2006年出道的Big bang不知不覺中已經成為了前輩級得偶像團體,這5位20多歲的偶像又像音樂人的路上邁進了一步。
BigBang感性复出 用音樂撫慰國民
Big Bang reflects on their comeback, earning popularity overseas, and future plans
Source: Kyunghyang via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 6, 2011
Ever since they announced that they were going to make a comeback this year, Big Bang has been dominating every news headline. Each track from their fourth mini-album has swept the music charts, and the album itself continues to rank on Billboard’s ‘Top 10′ – all this without any formal promotions from the boys.
The members recently sat down to an interview with Kyunghyang on the afternoon of March 4th, and they shared their throughts on their recent achievements, their future, as well as on the Korean music industry.
Check it out below.
Q. “Did you know that you had ranked on the Billboard chart?”
G-Dragon: “We had no idea. We just woke up a second ago and headed over. I’ve never thought about advancing into the U.S., but I think I should start thinking about that now. I hope to show the process it takes to transform from an idol into a musician.”
Q. “This achievement means that your talents were recognized overseas.”Taeyang: “I think we only achieved it because the internet allows music to be heard all over the world. We listened to a lot of music outside of Korea and reflected that, which I think worked.”
G-Dragon: “There’s definitely a lot more pressure now.”
Taeyang: “There’s also the fact that K-pop is earning global popularity now.”
Q. “This album seems to have a nice mix of acoustic and electronic sounds.”
Taeyang: “We ourselves are tired of the electric sounds that seems to have such a strong hold over Korean music lately. We unanimously decided to present warmer music this time.”
G-Dragon: “Stylistically, you can consider our album a mesh of analog and emotional sounds. The sound is trendy, but we focused on bringing emotions into the melody line and lyrics.”
Q. “The members all had a lot of individual and unit promotions. What did you learn from that?”
Taeyang: “I found what buries me in group promotions.”
Seungri: “I learned how to grab hold of the stage and how to react quickly.”
G-Dragon: “I’m both proud and glad that we directed another pathway that male idols can walk down.”
T.O.P: “It was fun learning something new. I feel joy from expressing something through both music and acting.”
Daesung: “It was an opportunity for me to assure myself and fill myself with hope regarding the road I was to walk down in the future. I want to become someone who could positively give joy to others through music, someone who manages to wash away all of the worries of others whenever they look at me.”
Q. “There were rumors about disbandment and such. How did you overcome those?”
Taeyang: “Communication was the wisest option.”
Daesung: “Now that our group reached our sixth year, our individual colors have bcome a lot stronger, which consequently brings out such crises. But the more that happens, the more we try to band tighter together and talk things out. It helps us realize, ‘What I thought wasn’t right.’ Even though our opinions are different, as long as our meaning towards music remains the same, it resolves everything.”
Q. “Did you ever feel problems towards your agency or their system?”
Taeyang: “I wouldn’t specifically call it discord with our agency, but I think there are problems with Korea’s music industry as a whole. Copyrighting and distributions do not seem to be going in the right direction.”
G-Dragon: “As an artist, there are so many things we need to pay attention to. Japan has a great system that allows us to focus entirely on our music without outside distractions, but Korea isn’t the same. Since we’re idols, we have to go on variety programs… With a fatigued body and mind, the quality of our album inevitably drops, which disappoints our fans as well.”
Q. “You’re now six years into your idol careers. Any thoughts about your future?”
G-Dragon: “We don’t have plans about our future; we’ve never made specific goals. When you set something, that’s your limit. You can’t go further than that. Isn’t it better for us to just disregard what others think and love ourselves and continue pursuing music?”
Taeyang: “Around last year, our members did discuss something like that. We basically decided that you can never tell what will happen in a person’s future. We decided that we’d just like for our passions for our music and our careers to never change.”
Q. “Do you date? Don’t you receive restrictions on your personal lives?”
Seungri: “Idols these days seem to date on-screen. Of course, not me. More than anything, I try to think before I speak, but I do make mistakes. Before, I went through difficulties because of that…”
T.O.P: “It was difficult not having private time to ourselves, but we earned something else. Now I just think of it as giving up something you have to, nothing more and nothing less.”
BIGBANG “厭倦了電音,這一次是溫暖的音樂”
偶像組合BIGBANG無論何時都紅火。從出道後在歌謠界掀起’Big Bang’並並高居頂峰已有5年。不止是他們的音樂與時尚,正如擁有眾多少女Fans的組合一般,一舉手一投足都是話題。最新時隔2年3個月後發行的 BIGBANG Mini 4輯不僅橫掃了所有音源榜單,專輯收錄的6首歌曲全部登上了上位圈。不僅僅是這樣。還進入了美國最大音樂線上網站iTunes綜合榜單的 ‘TOP10′並登上了Billboard(12日)World Albums部門的3位。而這是純粹為國內活動而製作的,毫無當地(美國)宣傳活動便實現的成果。儘管Wonder Girls,BOA等曾進入過榜單,但她們已在美國發行了專輯並進行了活動。
當向在4日下午於首爾蛤井洞YG Entertainment事務室見到的BIGBANG成員詢問感想時,他們一邊說著”完全沒聽到消息”一邊露出了摸不著頭腦的表情。”稍早前才起床後出 門的”,G-Dragon不好意思地摸著有些浮腫的臉說道,”至今為止對進軍美國想都還沒想過,看來從現在開始要試著考慮看看了”,說著’嘻’地笑了出 來。作為偶像組合中鮮有的製作自己的音樂的他們對於融入了深層的苦惱和音樂上變化的這一張專輯說明道”體現著從Idol朝Musician前進的過程”。
“尋找到很容易在組合活動中埋沒的個人特色?(太陽)舞臺掌控力和爆發力提高了很多(勝利)。似乎點出了一個男子偶像歌手應該前進的一個方向,感到 很有趣很滿足(G-Dragon)。享受了進行新的學習,領悟到一些東西的樂趣。總之表演也好音樂也好,得到了對於表現出一些什麼的樂趣(TOP)。對於 要走的路有了希望和確信。雖然對我而言音樂是最重要,但最終希望能成為帶給人歡樂的人。也就是能夠讓不管是誰在看到我的那一瞬間就會遺忘世上所有煩惱的那 種人 (大成)。”
“對話是最具智慧的解決方法(太陽)。組合到了第5年左右的時候各自的想法和特色變得堅定的同時似乎危機也很多。但越是那樣就越要聚在一起,在進行 談話的過程中就會領悟到自己的想法並不都正確。最終即使意見不同但對於音樂的意向是相同的這一點確認後,危機也就解決了(大成)。”
“並不一定是與公司之間有糾葛而似乎是韓國唱片產業整體的問題。版權或者分配問題似乎都還未整頓好(太陽)。作為藝人生活需要費心的地方太多了。連 日本都已經達到了制度完善,不用在其他部分費心就可以只專心投入創作的環境,而我們還沒有。因為是Idol所以又要參加藝能節目…,身體也好精神也好都很 疲憊, 因此專輯品質也有所下降,就會使歌迷們感到失望(G-Dragon)。”
- 不知不覺已經是作為Idol的第6年了。應該是對未來有所苦惱的時候。
“反倒並沒有。從未制定過目標。因為如果一旦制定了什麼便只能達到那個程度,所以沒有那樣做。比起他人如何想的,只要我們一直愛護自己,一直做著我 們的音樂,在這個過程中自然會得到答案不是嗎?(G-Dragon)去年左右成員們之間曾經談論過那樣的話題。雖然人不知道事情如何,會遇到怎樣的狀況, 重要的是我們走的這條路,真心喜愛著音樂所做的事。最後得出了希望這一點不要變的結論(太陽)。”
- 戀愛嗎?私生活應該也會受到很多限制吧。
- Mar 08 Tue 2011 08:04
sk 빅뱅4迷你專榮登美國Billboard新人排行榜的第7位 Big Bang reveals the traits of their ideal women