Source + Photos: Star News via Daum
by VITALSIGNon March 6, 2011
The Korean media is reporting on March 7th that the members of Super Junior were involved in a minor car accident, which resulted from fans chasing their van in Shanghai.
Star News spoke with a representative of the industry, who revealed, “On March 6th, Super Junior’s Heechul, Leeteuk, Shindong, Yesung, and others were in the car when they got into a rear-end collision in Shanghai.”
The accident was reported to have occurred while the boys were on their way to the airport after successfully completing their “Super Show 3” concert. Dozens of fans in cars began chasing after Super Junior’s van, which resulted in the collision. The Super Junior-M members were not involved in the accident, as they remained behind to continue their Chinese promotions.
Luckily, the members and fans were not injured. However, even though Super Junior was able to return to Korea safely, the accident remains as a shock to both the members and fans, since Super Junior suffered a similar accident in Singapore on January 29th.
SJ訪問上海代言南韓餐 在中國推廣南韓美食
農林食品部5日在上海舉辦媒體發佈會,委任Super Junior為南韓餐世界化的宣傳大使。SJ的10名成員參加活動,為中國著名主持人周瑾推薦了自己喜歡的10大南韓美食:厲旭推薦了“拌飯”,圭賢偏愛“石鍋拌飯”,東海推薦“海鮮嫩豆腐湯”,晟敏推薦“泡菜”,始源推薦“海鮮蔥餅”,銀赫推薦“炒雜菜” 。當天周瑾選擇的最好吃的南韓食由厲旭推薦的拌飯獲得。
金希澈當選Super Junior一日隊長 火爆宣言引人關注
金希澈成了組合Super Junior的一日隊長。4日下午,金希澈在自己的twitter上留言表示:「我們玩兒石頭剪子布結果是由我來當今天的一日隊長,我不要像利特那樣溫柔甜美的方式來當隊長,要像充滿力量的小辣椒一樣帶領團隊;要想對話得先獲得我的同意,看我的手勢行動,不聽話的就慘了。」
而Super Junior成員神童也在自己的twitter上發佈照片,並表示:「希澈隊長笑時我們也要笑[服從中];希話法:希澈說話的方法...是好事嗎?」照片 中,藝聲、利特、神童在聽從希澈的話硬擠出笑容,顯得很不自然。隨後,金希澈又留言宣告了一日隊長的結束:「不知道能在利特的懷裡呆到什麼時候」「一日隊 長,我不幹了,真煩...再幹下去就會被成員控告為暴力罪了。」看到照片的網民表示:「我們會服從你說的話的」「在演情景劇嗎?」「可愛的SJ」「哈哈哈,在一起就是有意思。」
Super Junior's Heechul receives hospital treatment for his facial injury
Source: Star News #1, #2 via Nate
by VITALSIGNon March 6, 2011
Super Junior’s Heechul was hit with an LED board while performing at the “Super Show 3” concert in Shanghai, and it’s being reported that he visited a hospital immediately upon his return to Korea.
Because the injury happened the day before Heechul was to celebrate his sixth year anniversary, fans expressed their disappointment with the turn of events.
On the afternoon of March 6th, Heechul had tweeted, “After this wound, I hope that not once, ever again, will anything fly towards the stage. I’m not hurt, glad, mad, or happy.”
His friend Defconn also tweeted, “Our Space Big Star Hee-nim! It’s his sixth anniversary today since he’s debuted!! Injured on such a joyful day T_T Please RT and hope that he gets better quickly!”
A representative of SM Entertainment spoke with Star News on the morning of the 7th and revealed, “Heechul’s face was scratched by an LED board a fan threw to him as a present. Immediately upon his arrival in Korea, he was taken to a hospital in Seoul. Thankfully, his examination results proved that it wasn’t a serious injury.
The representative added, “Because of the wound under his eye which cannot be covered by makeup, Heechul will not be able to attend the recording for this week’s “The Night’s Shining Memories.” Heechul himself was reported to have been upset at not being able to participate.”