Source: MK
by heartfaceeon March 6, 2011
For the series finale of “Dream High“, viewers got to fast forward a few years, and saw that the ‘Milky couple’ were still together. IU’s character, ‘Pilsook‘, became a director for the “IU Kindergarten”, a quip that amused many fans.
Why was it called the “IU Kindergarten”? At first glance, you’d assume it was named for the actress who played the beloved character, and really, you wouldn’t be far off. But there’s an extensive reasoning behind the name. In Korea, a kindergarten is called ‘yoo-chee-won‘, and the Korean term for a child is ‘Ai‘ or ‘I‘. Thus, when viewers noticed that the kindergarten’s name was ‘I-U-chee-won‘, they chuckled over the clever wordplay.
People were interested in the kindergarten, so they searched for it and discovered that it was a real school in Kyung-Ki-do. Due to the immense amount of interest over the school, their website actually crashed from the influx of traffic.
Netizens wrote, “This is so cool. I had no idea it was real”, “I bet the real director of the kindergarten is happy”, and “IU’s popularity has reached kindergarteners.”
Kim Soo Hyun is interested in a singing debut
Source: TVDaily via Nate
by phenomon March 6, 2011
Actor Kim Soo Hyun revealed his interest in a singing career.
On March 5th, Kim Soo Hyun guested on ”Entertainment Weekly’s Guerrilla Date.” When he was asked, “By chance, are you thinking about debuting as a singer as well?” With a surprised gesture, he repeated, “An album release?” and then answered, “Yes.”
Kim Soo Hyun recently starred in KBS 2TV’s “Dream High“, for which he played the singing prodigy, “K“. The star impressed many with his strong vocal talents, and so his reply garnered much interest from the public.
Later on, Kim Soo Hyun revealed that he would choose the roles of a con-artist, thief, and a playboy for his next roles. He explained, “I want to be an actor who doesn’t limit himself, and an actor that the audience wants to see and trust.”
Dream High 特製書刊 3月第一周登上Best Seller
特製書刊(Special Making Book )里記載了最近終演的KBS2TV< Dream High >背後的故事.與電視劇一樣,這本特輯書刊也有著非一般的火爆人氣.
尤其,書刊以6名主演的個人照片為封面,這一點受到了粉絲們的熱烈呼應.此外,被稱作[高惠美tint]的一款“It’s Skin”的“Lady Holic Liptint”也在隨刊贈送中,預計書刊還會熱銷一段時間.3月中旬,包含了< Dream High >16集內容的兩本< DreamHigh影像漫畫 >也將推出.
< Dream High >高溫效應,高陽市促進設立真正的"麒麟藝高"
為KBS2電視臺的電視劇< Dream High >提供後援的京畿道高陽市與電視劇製作單位JYP娛樂公司和keyeast公司一起,促進以青少年為對象的歌手選拔活動.
于上月28日結束的的< Dream High >以明星培訓學校麒麟藝術高中為背景,講述一群10代青少年挑戰成為明星的故事.Keyeast公司代表裴勇俊(39)和JYP娛樂公司代表樸志英(39)參與了創意製作以及音樂和舞蹈指導.
高陽市為該電視劇製作提供支援,旨在將高陽打造成新韓流的中心,以吸引更多的觀光客.高陽市知識情報產業振興院方面表示,< Dream High >對於將高陽市打造成為培養青少年的夢和理想的都市形象具有非常大的作用,自播放初起,將與製作單位一起繼續製作< Dream High >的相關後續節目.并發表了將在高陽市進行青少年試鏡選拔,主演公演等多種節目的預定計劃.院方表示,高陽市的青少年選拔活動是由高陽市和JYP娛 樂公司及keyeast公司在高陽市共同舉辦的一次公開的歌手選報.
選拔活動將考慮在高陽市內的青年路或位於沙里峴路的攝影場內進行,選拔對象將限定于高陽市青少年還是普及至全國範圍乃至海外的青少年目前還沒有定論,選拔 進行時機,方式,規模等內容將在日後具體討論.并表示計劃再開一次由< Dream High >主演參加的演唱會.2月24日高陽Aramnuri大劇院特別演唱會已于3月1日在< Dream High >特別節目中公開.第二次演唱會的時間和場所會考慮主演們的日程安排再做決定.
同時.院方表示可能設立作為電視劇主要背景的麒麟藝術高中,作為< Dream High >後續節目的其中一個環節,有可能實際建設麒麟藝術高中.由於電視劇結束還不久,地價并不是一個簡單的問題,院方表示這些計劃需要進一步研究考慮.