by chloejn on February 23, 2011
Last week, 2PM’s Nichkhun gave a sneak peek into his upcoming spread for “Men’s Health” by revealing a photo of his chocolate abs. The March issue of “Men’s Health” has finally been released in all of its masculine glory.
Nichkhun’s countless hours in the gym have definitely paid off. He verified his ‘bagel man‘ status through these pictures, in which he showed off his beautiful face, but also his sculpted body.
Take a look at the pictures below, but be sure to hold on to your jaw before it drops to the floor!
Nichkhun and his family star in a CF together
Source: Newsen via Nate
by ramham424 on February 22, 2011
Nichkhun和家人們一起拍攝了廣告。2月23日,LG U+表示:“國際電話002的新廣告模特選定為人們喜愛的泰國王子Nichkhun和他的家人們。這是首次Nichkhun和家人們一起出演同一支廣告。”接著還指出:“國際電話002產品‘長通話少收費’的特點,很符合Nichkhun和其家人們的實際情況。我們判斷由Nichkhun代言將可以提高消費者的共識。”
廣告中為了體現“長通話少收費”的特點,Nichkhun和家裡的每個人都通過電話舒適地聊了很長時間。廣告在泰國拍攝,雖然當地天氣悶熱潮濕,但是Nichkhun始終面帶微笑。據說Nichkhun的妹妹們也沒有露出疲憊努力地拍攝,親切的面貌獲得工作人員的讚賞。LG U+廣告負責人說:“因為Nichkhun可以在泰國和家人們一起拍攝,所以拍攝期間一直是其樂融融的氛圍。”
2PM’s Nichkhun recently starred in a CF with his entire family!
On February 23rd, LG U+ announced, “We picked beloved Nichkhun and his family to be the new spokesmodels for ‘International Calling 002‘. It’s officially the first time for Nichkhun and his family to both star in a CF together“.
The phone service company added, “International Calling 002’s slogan, ‘Long~call, small fees’, actually matches Nichkhun’s family situation. We believe that using Nichkhun in our ads will heighten the customers’ understanding of and connection to us.”
The CF saw Nichkhun talking comfortably with each member of his extended family for a long time. The ad was filmed in Thailand, and although the weather was hot and humid, the 2PM star did not lose his smile throughout filming. Reportedly, Nichkhun’s sisters also worked their hardest for the recording, and staff members praised the girls for their nice manners and kind demeanors.
A representative of the service commented, “Because Nichkhun filmed the CF with his family in Thailand, we were able to film in a cheerful and happy atmosphere“.
We’ll be sure to keep an eye out for this charming CF, so check back with us for updates!
Nichkhun's sister shows off her beauty at a fashion show
Source: Osen
by phenom on February 22, 2011
On February 17th, Nichkhun’s younger sister, Yanin, modelled for a cultural exchange fashion show between Korea’s Hongik University and Thailand’s Silpakorn University.
Yanin was a runway representative of Silpakorn University, and she stunned the audience with her sophisticated looks. While the student-model was certainly applauded for her beauty, her celebrity ties also became a hot topic. Hongik University students and professors both recognized Yanin and greeted her, with some commenting, “Isn’t that Nichkhun’s sister?”
The student fashion show wasn’t the first runway experience for Yanin, as she had already participated in the ‘2009 Thailand Supermodel Contest‘. This detail, in conjunction with her relationship to Korea’s beloved Nichkhun, caused many netizens to become curious about the tall beauty. Inevitably, the photos induced the netizens to agree that “They’re a family with superior genes.”