Source: Medical News Today via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 15, 2011
The success of idol debuts these days no longer depend upon skills and talents, but rather the influence their respective agencies have on the industry as a whole.
SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG Entertainment aren’t called ‘The Big Three’ for nothing. Some believe that it’s their intensive training systems which allow them to debut their artists so successfully, but the reality is that the arduous training process is no different than that of the smaller agencies.
Smaller agencies work just as hard, if not harder, in training their idols to ensure their success, but what they 功虧一簣fall short on (and what ultimately seals the deal) is that 相形見絀their influence pales in comparison to the big three’s.
The only 小型的small-scale entertainment agency to have broken through the barriers打破魔咒 is TS Entertainment, who trained Sunhwa, Ji Eun, Hyosung, and Zinger for 3-4 years before debuting them under SECRET. Although they didn’t hit it big right from the start, they did begin to see signs of growth with the release of “Magic.”
Fast forward from their 2009 debut to their 2010 “Shy Boy” promotions, when they finally took home their first wins on both cable and public broadcast networks. The girls received the applause of every industry representative for managing to achieve such top successes under an agency classified as mid-to-low tier.
In comparison, JYP Entertainment’s miss A swept all of the music program charts and dominated the awards at year-end ceremonies right from the get-go.
Other factors (like the individual talents of the members) may be taken into account, but there’s no denying that a rookie debut from any of the big three garner a big response even before their debut. Right from the start, there’s a clear divide in the attention a group has the potential to receive.
The difference can also be seen in the treatment the artists are given by the public broadcast music programs.
One music industry agency representative commented, “In the case of public broadcast music programs, there definitely exists a slight difference in treatment the artists receive depending on whether they’re a part of a large or small agency.”
He continued, “Artists from the larger agencies are allowed to sing two to three songs for their comeback stages, on top of additional interview opportunities. Artists and rookies from the smaller agencies, however, sometimes even receive requests to have their one performance track shortened.”
This might be because the shows are catered to what the public wants to see, but it’s ultimately closing off the playground for those from the mid-to-smaller agencies.
Another music program representative commented, “There’s nothing we can do about it. Programs are geared towards viewer ratings, so we have no choice but to give more time to the bigger stars. Music programs do try to limit the stages of bigger artists to a certain point in order to give time to the newer artists. But because everything is centered around who’s hot and what’s trending at the exact moment, if we don’t show more of their performances, it’s easy for us to be ignored by the public.”
Despite there being an influx of new idol debuts from a range of agencies over the past few years, industry representatives predict that the treatment towards the smaller agencies will remain unchanged.
Kim Tae Won, the CEO of JQT’s agency, concluded, “It is true that it is more difficult for the smaller agencies, but it’s vital that we continue to discover new talent and support those under our agency in order to secure our position in the industry.”
歌手們的成功 “個人能力” VS “企劃能力”
最近小型公司中最為成功的是TS娛樂,4名成員韓善花、宋智恩、全孝盛和Zinger通過三四年時間的訓練,以組合Secret出道。雖然2009年末剛出道時沒有受到太大的關注,但是緊接著就以受歡迎的歌曲“Magic”吸引了大眾的視線。最近Secret以新歌“Shy Boy”還在有線電視臺和公共電視臺的音樂節目中獲得了1位。中小型的企劃公司獲得了巨大的成果,這點受到了很多業內人士的好評。
相反,大型公司推出新歌手的話,那麼從一開始就會受到關注。特別是JYP公司去年推出的4人組合miss A,出道的瞬間就在所有音樂排行榜中佔據1位,有線電視臺公共電視臺的音樂節目更是全部橫掃。雖然有歌曲和成員們能力的差異,但是不可否認的是,根據所屬企劃公司的不同,出道時獲得的矚目程度也是不同的,大型公司的歌手經常在出道前就獲得了巨大的關注度。實際上從去年音樂排行網站公佈的唱片銷量、下載、數字音源等綜合排名來看,前幾名都是大型企劃公司旗下的歌手們。另外,在公共電視臺的音樂節目中,也能感受到大型企劃公司和普通企劃公司旗下歌手們的不同。