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by asphodel on August 31, 2010

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Lady Gaga: No More Singles From Fame Monster And New Album In 2011

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2010/3/26 華商報 潘莎莎

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Catch Kylie on her first ever North American tour

Catch Kylie on her first ever North American tour

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娛樂百分百 0429 小豬週刊事件

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 紅心公益大使JAM蕭敬騰 邀請大家一起搶救弱勢兒童

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許雅涵力挺 趙自強的小花 趙自強所帶領的「如果兒童劇團」,3/28.29.在國父紀念館加演年度大戲「小花」,「小花」主要是想告訴小朋友,娛樂圈各種光怪陸離的現象,不是大家所想像的世界,也想要告訴小朋友,平凡不只是庸庸碌碌、好吃懶做,而是去『享受』!希望每個孩子無論在現在、或是長大後,都能夠相信,平凡的力量才是強大的,它往往創造出生命的奇蹟!

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P!nk performed during her ‘I’m Not Dead’ world tour at Ahoy in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on Saturday (October 14). Watch fan filmed highlight clips at YouTube.

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Michael Jackson press conference in London

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2008 American Music Awards was held at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles on November 23. Chris Brown (pictured above, via), won three prizes--Artist of The Year, Favorite Male Pop/Rock Artist, and Favorite Male Soul/R&B Artist, becoming the biggest winner of the AMA 2008.

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