南韓偶像團體「ZE:A帝國之子」受觀光局之邀,擔任「台灣親善大使」,來台6天5夜期間,卻中國、台灣傻傻分不清楚!本報接到讀者爆料,他們網站(http://cafe.daum.net/Starempire)上,台灣訊息連結卻打上「OFFICIAL Site『China』」,被虧「乾脆去當中國親善大使」!
ZE:A attends press conference in Taiwan
by Kingpolo on August 13
Idol group ZE:A recently made their way to Taiwan to further promote their latest single release, Level Up, by holding a press conference with the local media.
The conference itself took place at Taipei’s Hyatt Hotel Grand Ballroom with about 50 different media companies in attendance, most questioning their overseas plans.
The boys plan to hold a ton of events in the near future including a huge showcase, fun interviews, fan meetings, and autograph sessions.
They will be traveling to Singapore and Malaysia in September, followed by the Philippines in October and Japan in November.