Michael Jackson press conference in London
美國的流行音樂巨星麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)5日宣布,他定於7月在倫敦舉行系列復出演唱會,這將是他10多年來首次舉行大型演出。作風古怪的麥克傑克森已經50歲,4年前因虐童案受審讓他聲名狼籍。
麥可傑克森被與貓王、披頭四兩組歌手並列為流行樂史上最偉大的不朽象徵,並被譽為「流行音樂之王」(King of Pop)。傑克森演唱事業的成功使他獲得了全世界眾多歌迷的支持與喜愛,包括他的歌曲和標誌性的舞步。然而,近年來媒體更感興趣的卻是他膚色的變化和怪僻的生活方式。
MTV台和滾石雜誌選出「有史以來最受歡迎的100首流行歌曲」,麥可傑克森個人就包辦了四首,分別是「Billie Jean」、「I Want You Back」、「Beat It」以及「Rock with You」。
March 5th, 2009
A source close to Michael Jackson’s O2 deal - in which the star will host a summer residency at the famous venue - has rubbished claims that the singer is in poor health.
The mole tells The Mirror, “(It’s) total nonsense. There has been a lot of speculation about his health but it has been totally unfounded. We are not going to put Michael on stage in front of thousands of people if he was not 100 per cent. Nor would Michael ever want to let his fans down by not being up to it.”
Jackson has not appeared on a UK stage since his disastrous World Music Awards appearance in 2006, when he was booed off stage after barely managing to sing a few lines from ‘We Are The World’.